Yeah that’s the Main Thing I had in Mind, not only does it give me a good excuse to gush about favorites or Stories I really like but also forces me to see the good in some of my lesser liked ones. I think besides maybe one Story, we haven’t reached any of the bottom spots for me, yet that would be perfect to give a closer look.
Also, thank you! Yeah, agreed it’s harder with some than others, that’s why I mainly limit myself to a few for each so to make it more even with most of them!
In fact, she is! In the Lethbridge-Stewart series of books, she’s a regular character, functioning as Alistair’s scientific advisor before, well, you know who.
Ohhh, is that so? Yeah, I must admit I am not too aware of the Lethbridge Stewart Novels, I might try them eventually then! Lovely hearing, she got the Spotlight again tho!
“Well, when I was a little girl, I wanted to be a scientist. So I became a scientist.”
We love Anne Travers around here.
I am still working on the Pertwee Thread, but for the Future in regard to McGann, how should I do it? (I mainly ask for him since he has only the TV Movie and Night of the Doctor, which isn’t a lot. I know almost nothing of it is televised, but the closet of an Era he had as the Incumbent at that time. (Sorry comic fans, still need to read more before I can even entertain the Idea of talking about most of them )
- Just do the TV Movie and explain why it’s the greatest Thing of all time (and Night)
- TV Movie, Night + Charley Monthlies
- TV Movie, Night + Charley + Lucie Miller Run
- Everything from the Third Option + the few EDA Books I have read
Is this meant to be a poll?
I think it went a bit wrong.
Yeah, you’re right, let me just redo it quickly
Edit: It’s fixed now, thanks for pointing it out, I don’t know what went wrong
I voted for you to do the audios and EDAs.
Yes it’s a lot, but it’ll be fun to see your thoughts.
I mean the Movie is the greatest so you don’t need to write that post
Well yes but gotta convert the non-believers into believers of the TV Movie!!!
I’ve gone with the TV stuff, Charlie and Lucie option, as it was the closest to what I’d like you to do. I would have gone for an option that included the TV stuff, plus any audios that you feel like including. I like McGann’s performance and several of the ranges, but haven’t consumed in any particular order and wouldn’t expect you to do a lot of research apart from what you’ve already done!
That’s very fair.
For the record: I love McGann, his Stuff is amazing, but there is a Reason why I limited myself to mostly televised Episodes here since:
a) Usually I wouldn’t have to rewatch much of it or any of it, which makes it easier, unlike a lot of other Mediums where certain stuff does get out of my Mind after a while (the curse of watching, listening and reading too much!!!)
b) it would be much if I tried to include any kind of Story I experienced, especially since with some I’d have to stretch myself thin, cough a lot of the DWA Comics cough.
I mainly restricted myself to the Charley/Lucie Stuff since I consider this his main tenure as the incumbent on Audio, while I do would like to include the Boxsets I have still a lot of their Stories in front of myself, perhaps in the Future when I eventually finish those I will come back to this thread and give them their Time to shine.
Very glad and pleased to hear people being interested in hearing my Opinion/the Positives I can find in Doctor Who Stories!! So thank you!! (Apology for the ramble )