Favourite Season 14 Story

What’s everyone’s favorite Season 14 story or stories? Remember, you can vote for more than one.

  • The Masque of Mandragora
  • The Hand of Fear
  • The Deadly Assassin
  • The Face of Evil
  • The Robots of Death
  • The Talons of Weng-Chiang
0 voters

I never got the appeal of The Deadly Assassin… sure they Gallifrey stuff is fun but just Tom Baker running around for a whole story is, uh, boring


They’re all good, though there’s one I can understand if some struggle to enjoy. For me this season is second only to the seventh.


Huh ended up voting for all of them :grin: A really good and solid season :+1:


I honestly thought about doing the same, but I decided to limit myself to a top 3.


Hmm if it was only three I could choose I would probably go for Robots of Death, The Deadly Assassin and The Talons of Weng-Chiang


Wow. You’ll notice those were my three.


Ha didn’t notice that :grin: You’ve got good taste there @TARDIS32 :wink:


Oh I’m sure I’ll challenge that statement at some point.


They’re all pretty good. The run from Deadly Assassin to Robots of Death is really good. Masque and Hand are good but not as good, but still very enjoyable. I really wish Doctor Who would return to Renassaince Italy more often, it’s a great setting. Talons is… okay. It has some good moments, but I never the appeal it has that make it one of the all-time greats. Jago and Litefoot are fine, but I don’t find them engaging enough to really bother delving into their solo stuff.


I could easily vote for most of these, but limited myself just to the one to see how I cast my vote when the chips were down, so to speak. Assassin and Face both honourable mentions for me and Talons is so close to perfect except for the obvious, which leaves only Robots as my top choice. I’m happy with that. A genuine classic.


Only one of these stories has D84. An obvious winner.


This series has a lot of really good stories, I adore the face of evil and robots of death, but even though I love Leela, talons just rubs me the wrong way. Both the hand of fear and masque of mandragore are really good too. The deadly assassin is very interesting in terms of worldbuilding but I’ve got to be honest, I think Tom Baker really needs a companion to play against, he doesn’t work on his own


Tom needs someone with him to react to how ridiculous he is, so I’d agree in the long run. But for a one-off story, I think he carries it pretty well.


An easy choice of Robots for me.


It’s interesting how Deadly Assassin seems to have fallen off lately with newer fans of the classic series. There was a time it was considered top-tier stuff, but it seems not as much anymore. Actually it seems the younger fans just don’t get into the Hinchcliffe years as much as previous generations. I wonder why that is. Is it a case of they hear received fan wisdom that it’s the best of the best, then are let down when it isn’t what they built it up as in their head? Is it a “Seinfeld isn’t funny” effect, because Doctor Who has built up a lot from the Hinchcliffe era so when people go back to watch it it seems like only a foundational level compared to what they’re familiar with? I still think Hinchcliffe is peak Who, but it doesn’t seem to be viewed as favorably lately, especially by newer fans, and I’m curious why that is.


I personally love the Hinchcliffe era - it may even be may favourite - but Deadly Assassin I just found snoozy. Then again, I am a certified Companion Lover so I think Tom Baker alone was never going to work for me. I haven’t watched it in many years though, so I might be due a revisit.


I love the Deadly Assassin (also, I just rewatched it so it’s fresh in my head). But I love it less for the Doctor and Master, and more for all the Gallifreyan lore dumps. It’s also a tight political thriller which draws me to it more.


I’m sure most of the people in this thread aren’t the Hinchcliffe detractors, but over on the DW Discord I see more and more who don’t seem to enjoy it like I and many of us do. And don’t people know they have to like the same things I do! No, not actually, but it’s just interesting in a way.


It’s always so interesting to see different microcosms in DW fandom because you can get so caught up in a bubble that you could believe anything was popular or unpopular depending who you talk to. It is interesting to me that you’re seeing more Hinchcliffe detractors though, I too was always under the illusion it was a popular era