Favourite medium to experience Doctor Who?

I was talking about this today with a friend and it awakened some curiosity. What is your favourite medium to experience Doctor Who in? Just in general, and feel free to elaborate why!

I’ve tried splitting out the different mediums as good as possible. For the sake of not making the poll too long Television series includes the minisodes and the TV movie.

  • Television series
  • Audio (drama)
  • Audio (book)
  • Book (digital)
  • Book (physical)
  • Comics (digital
  • Comics (physical)
  • Video game (any console)
  • Live experience (ie. Operation Time Fracture)
  • Other…
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It will always be the TV show but I love the fact that Doctor Who manages to span almost every possible story-telling medium going.

In fact, I’m trying to think of something Doctor Who hasn’t done.


Whilst I love the audios so much, it is TV for me because it can have my undivided attention. Audios always seem to make me want to do something with my eyes! If I close them then I fall asleep :sleeping:


That exact reason is why I try to have a puzzle on hand or something similar while listening! I listen to a lot of audio while drawing, or commuting from and to work, which is… a lot of the time :sweat_smile: I slightly prefer audio for the flexibility of not needing to be behind the telly to engage with it, as I have very little TV time most days. But when I do watch it on TV, it has my undivided attention also without the risk of drifting off :wink:


I love the TV series and always will forever, and it’s very close between TV and audio, but when I have spare time, I am more likely to put on an audio than the TV. But I do adore both


This is true, I’ve listened to way more audio recently than watched TV simply because there is way more of it. Plus I can listen to audio with my headphones on and not bother anyone taking up the family TV.

But if I had to choose… TV all the way.


Finding time I can watch Doctor Who (except the new episodes which we always watch together) is tricky with everyone wanting our one TV for their own choices. I don’t like to make my wife sit through rewatching Doctor Who as we have so much other stuff we both want to watch. My eldest and I occasionally watch an episode together but they wouldn’t choose it for themselves at the moment (as they have just finished binging Red Dwarf and are probably going back to Blakes 7).

So audios, which I listen to whilst doing chores and walking to and from work, are how I consume Doctor Who on a daily basis.

TV is still the best though.


I prefer TV. I find that audio takes a lot more concentration but I still have to be doing something while listening, and I don’t always feel like working when I want to enjoy some Doctor Who. I also find it easier to pause an episode of television and come back to it later than with audio. If I have to stop an audio in the middle I need to start over or else I forget too much (the visuals of TV help a lot with that), and with the length of the Main Range, finding two uninterrupted hours…not easy. This is partially why I found I didn’t enjoy Zagreus much. Four hours is just too long for one sitting.


Well, it all began with TV and that’s how I first got into the show, so it’s an easy pick for me. The BF audios are often equally as good or even better than the TV stories, but I’d pick a great TV episode over a great audio any day. There is something about seeing and hearing the Doctor’s adventures at the same time that appeals to me.

But I’m lucky to be a fan of a franchise that spans so many different forms of media across many decades. We are never going to run out of stories, and I suspect that we’ll still have the audios, books and comics if the show is cancelled again.


I tend to gravitate towards audio because I can listen while doing other stuff. Whereas with a book, comic or TV, I have to find the time to actually sit down and watch/read. Audio I stuck my earbuds in and listen while I wash dishes or mow lawn or plug it into my car and listen while driving.


My prefered medium is TV but with the amount of Audio, and a constant stream and variety of new releases, I really must give a joint first to TV and Audio. Also the convenience of audio is not to be minimised.


I can’t choose one!

TV is always the gold standard and every story I picture in my head tries to match it as much as possible.
Audio is great with how I can multitask with it. I do so many things while listening!
Prose is lovely in how I can picture the voices and other things myself, as well as just having a great time reading, especially novels.


i love the TV series of course, i love the distinct visual styles of each era, and i love the audios dearly, but every time i read another one of the books i am so pleased with how much you can do in text that you cant on screen or in an audio-only format. you can get a lot out of characters and more conceptual ideas in text that you cant to the same extent in other formats, and those are usually the parts of DW i love most… or maybe ive just been reading some really good books idk


Which books come to mind when you think of favorite Doctor Who stories or concepts?

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I’ve only barely started getting into the books really but I’m wild about Vampire Science, The Year of Intelligent Tigers and Scarlet Empress. I will also say I have a terrible habit of starting and then putting down books, so I’ve only read the first ~30% of Alien Bodies, but I think it’s full of really awesome concepts that you really couldn’t do in any other format. spoiler for this book but a scene I think about a lot in this respect is Sam running into a security system that takes a sample of your Biodata to make a nasty body-horror-mutant clone of you thats supposed to scare off intruders. The ‘antibody’ clone scares her but the clone is even more horrified to realize the person it was cloned off of isn’t her, doesn’t have any of the scars the real Sam should have, and doesn’t even have the right hair color. It’s such a great moment of horror and dramatic irony that you couldn’t deliver any other way.


Alien Bodies is excellent. The fact that Miles brought back a particular monster from the Classic Series and made them both a credible threat and a brilliant joke is awesome.


i LOVE that reveal and the little bit of biology we get with it lol


I just got The Year of Intelligent Tigers in the mail! So when I eventually start it, I expect good things haha.

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i am so charmed by Kate Orman’s writing and the way she gets into scenes where people are just hanging out in between all the action. it’s such a lovely book i hope u enjoy !!!


Yes!! Thank you for that description of “scenes where people are just hanging out between all the action”. I haven’t been able to put words to it but it’s what really drew me in to her first book, The Left-Handed Hummingbird. It’s one of my favorite things about her writing.