Favourite Edits

Do other people watch Doctor Who edits? What are your favourites, I feel like I could go on for days, but I’ll start with this one from MARGARITA LIFE


I shared a few in my Thasmin thread a while ago, have a bunch more saved in a playlist as well so I may come back with more of my favorites of them later Thasmin Appreciation Thread <3 - #21 by flora_snow00

Also have been rewatching this one on Twitter a lot the last couple days that’s a bunch of different ships (including 1 or 2 real crack ships) to different Taylor Swift songs https://twitter.com/editsofwho/status/1782892332976648593

And this 12 fancam is absolutely iconic and I think about it every day https://twitter.com/DrUnfuckable/status/1727724637394812988


A couple more Thasmin edits:


There were two edits created, I think by Ed Stradling, for the DWM Birthday Bash way back in the early 2000s. One was set to Praise You and the other to Look at Me by Geri Halliwell. They were both phenomenal. In the early days of internet I found Praise You but never Look at Me and nowadays both are untraceable which is a shame. Look at Me had some brillant gags with the lyrics of the song paired up with particularly stories (‘slow-moving’ underneath a title card for the Dominators and ‘superficial expectations’ underneath a Pip and Jane Baker credit :joy:.

Babelcolour is still the GOAT for these as far as I’m concerned. This one is one of my all time favourite Doctor Who things (although its already very outdated!)

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I’m dying at the 12 fancam omg

Pip Madeley has made some spectacular and funny videos on his YouTube

I can’t watch this one without laughing myself silly :grin:


Oh and I forgot to share this Missy one with the same song https://twitter.com/thoscheism/status/1766132436482531381

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random one and more my thing haha


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Sarah rolling down the slight slope whilst bleeping is one of the funniest things I’ve seen - I’m literally having not to laugh out loud at work!

I am absolutely showing this to my 15 year old when I get home!


I absolutely love this Master edit to You’ll Be Back from Hamilton.

I don’t watch a lot of edits anymore but when asked, this will always be the first one that comes to mind. It captures so well the 55 years of the show, from start to finish, set of course to a most moving piece of music and it’s just, extremely well edited imo

I’m not familiar with a lot of vids, but I have made a few myself (mostly Torchwood ones). This is my only Doctor Who one:

(Yes, all my vids are sad. You can watch the rest of them on this youtube channel.)

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Can’t believe I almost forgot to share my absolute favorite

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Just for you @sircarolyn
Pip Madeley at it again :wink:


haha that’s brilliant :rofl:

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"cause even in Death I couldn’t ******* trust him

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Oh yes, I absolutely do watch them, and Gallifrey Stands to me remains one of (if not the) best:

Then, there’s this fun one of when the 2nd Doctor gets offered “new” faces :wink:

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