I’ve just finished The Power of the Daleks for the first time, which is a really strong regeneration serial and also, in my opinion, one of the first good Dalek stories we’ve had so far since 1963 (“good” being subjective, but mostly “does this story use Daleks in an effective manner that isn’t just Hey look you know these evil guys now watch them invade the world again”)
So I was wondering: what are everybody’s favourite Dalek story?
Unpopular choice, but I’ve always loved Victory of the Daleks. Evil and Remembrance are also highlights of the TV show, but from the EU (despite the fact that it isn’t a Dalek-focused story) I love Anti-Genesis.
Genuinely one of the best written and paced Dalek action I’ve ever experienced.
It is a typical Base Under Siege, but good grief WHAT A SIEGE.
It has an extra third party that threatens both humans and Daleks.
Not to mention that this story has an AMAZING rock’n’roll soundtrack that didn’t need to go THAT HARD. Just listen to it, even out of context it is soooo good - https://on.soundcloud.com/hFGgPk7iob2ANtba7
Not also to mention that this story is written by THE David Bishop - one of my most favourite writers in DW of all time.
This story has a vibe of those 1990s action movies everyone watched as a kid.
I mean, a 1990s action movie (or audiodrama in this case) with Daleks, written by DAVID BISHOP, with ROCK’N’ROLL soundtrack?! WHAT CAN BE COOLER?!
The Daleks and Remembrance of the Daleks are my favourites from Classic, Dalek, The Parting of the Ways and The Stolen Earth are the best from New because they show why the Daleks are such a threat, though I do love all the RTD Dalek stories.
I actually quite like The War of the Daleks novel. It descends into continuity nonsense but aside from that its fun. The Dalek Generation and the Dalek novelisation too.
Comic wise I like all the Eighth Doctor Dalek stories, they are quite fun, and Liberation of the Daleks was great for Fourteen.
Audio, Blood of the Daleks, all of Dark Eyes, Across the Darkened City, The Dalek Ocupation of Winter, Out of Time, Victory of the Doctor.
There are a lot of bad and mediocre Dalek stories, but there sre so, so many good ones too.
“The Power of the Daleks” followed closely by “Evil of the Daleks” are absolutely fantastic and on a level all of their own when it comes to TV Dalek stories.
But there’s also Remembrance of the Daleks, Eve of the Daleks, the Dalek Invasion of Earth, Day of the Daleks, and the Daleks that are all really good
Apparently I quite like Dalek stories in the Classic Era…
Though on of my very favourite Dalek stories is the NSA book “Prisoner of the Daleks”. Thinking of it it has been too long since I read that one
But in my heart it is Remembrance forever and ever and ever <3 Otherwise having a gander at my 5* dalek stories, the only other ones I would call true Dalek Stories rather than stories that have a dalek in them are To The Death and Parting of the Ways.
I also love Death and the Daleks and Dalek Invasion of Earth!
Generally I’m a bit Dalek-ed out and I find most thing with then to be repetitive and uninspired, but when there’s a great one it does stand out
Remembrance is the best in my opinion, but I have a special place in my heart for Destiny of the Daleks. It’s not really a good (on a technical level) episode and I know most people won’t agree with me but I just love it. Something about the silliness of it just works for me
Patient Zero. My first Big Finish and still one of my favorites. On TV: Power, Revelation, Remembrance, Dalek. I’m also one who doesn’t understand the hate for Victory. It was my Dalek story and still a favorite.
The Dalek Invasion of Earth (Terry Nation)
The Daleks’ Master Plan (Terry Nation & Dennis Spooner)
The Power of the Daleks (David Whitaker)
The Evil of the Daleks (David Whitaker)
Genesis of the Daleks (Terry Nation)
Resurrection of the Daleks (Eric Saward)
Revelation of the Daleks (Eric Saward)
Remembrance of the Daleks (Ben Aaronovitch)
Dalek (Robert Sherman)
The Parting of the Ways (Russell T Davies)
Yeah, I tend to like those salt-shakers a little bit too much.
Aside from The Chase I think Dalek stories were consistently good in the 60s from The Daleks to The Evil of the Daleks. Day of the Daleks is a good story that happens to have Daleks in it, Planet is passable, but the 70s only really had the one great Dalek story, and that’s of course Genesis. I don’t like either Saward contribution, but Remembrance is an all-time great.
For the modern series, Dalek is amazing, Wolf/Ways is great, but although the Daleks themselves were fine, I find enough that I don’t care for with the other RTD entries that keeps them down to ok at most. People really like to say the Moffat era didn’t do Daleks well, but I liked that each one in his era tried to do something different with them, and as far as the Daleks themselves are concerned, I find the Moffat era ones far more interesting, even if the episodes can be rather mixed, Into the Dalek the best one there. Chibnall era, I really like Resolution and Eve, but I’m not a fan of Revolution aka Remembrance but not as good.