Favourite Dalek stories

First Doctor Who book I ever read, totally on a whim. Still stands as one of my favourite Who books ~ 12 years on :slightly_smiling_face:


I love Day of the Daleks.

Yesss! I love Day of the Daleks. :fire:—it’s political pulp with ape-brute panache.

Cold War Critique: The Controller’s doomed collaboration vs. guerrillas’ extremism = “Do we negotiate with monsters or become them?” Pure Pertwee-era moral grit.

Ogrons: Literal cavemen in suits (brain over muscle) enforcing Dalek fascism. Perfection.

Special Edition: Fixed the Dalek shimmer, tightened the timey-wimey, and gave us Styles’ swagger in HD.

Also first TARGET novelisation that I read in Turkish.


Power of the Daleks is great and the first classic Dalek story I’ve seen. It’s one of the better Dalek stories out there. Genesis of the Daleks is also up there for me. I also like Victory of the Daleks


Dalek is always my favorite. Perhaps will always be. It’s just so strong.