Favourite 6th Doctor Companions (Across All Mediums)

Who’s your favorite 5th Doctor companion? Note that this is from across all mediums and includes all TV companions and only multi-story companions from other mediums. Feel free to comment explanations for your choices, but you don’t have to. You can choose as many as you want.

  • Peri Brown
  • Melanie “Mel” Bush
  • Grant Markham (Virgin Missing Adventures)
  • Frobisher (DWM Comics)
  • Evelyn Smythe (Big Finish)
  • Charlotte Pollard (Big Finish)
  • Mila (Big Finish)
  • Jamie McCrimmon (Primarily Big Finish)
  • Thomas Brewster (Big Finish)
  • Henry Gordon Jago (Primarily Big Finish)
  • George Litefoot (Primarily Big Finish)
  • Philippa “Flip” Jackson (Big Finish)
  • Constance Clarke (Big Finish)
  • Hebe Harrison (Big Finish)
  • Patricia McBride (Big Finish)
0 voters

I haven’t heard enough Hebe or Constance to be able to accurately vote for them or not.

Constance is brilliant in the stories I’ve listened to and her pairing with Flip is great fun.

This was the first selection where I had to choose a whole bunch - I love Peri and Mel and Evelyn and Constance and Frobisher and Charley!


Big Finish is doing a lot of work here for me, even (or perhaps especially) with Mel and Peri, but he has a lot of good companions in big finish


Big Finish really did some wonders with Colin. Really strong companions, great stories and no Eric Saward. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


6 and Peri are my favorite classic TARDIS team <3


Part of me is surprised that Evelyn didn’t take top spot. However, I’m not surprised that Peri is at the top. Given that Big Finish is a little more niche, Peri is Sixie’s most prolific companion on TV.


I never really felt like he had to be redeemed from his TV era, but I’m also very happy that there’s no more Eric Saward in his audio stuff :joy::+1:

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They tempered the brashness a bit and lessened the bickering. You can tell just how much this incarnation cares when listening to the audios. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy his TV run, or least aspects of it. However, in Big Finish, it seems like everything is firing on all cylinders. The writing is strong, you have great companions that you’re actually able to get deep into their characters, you don’t have to worry about super-cheap looking sets. And the people making it actually care and actually get Doctor Who. For all the things that I like about Saward (and there are a few), he didn’t really get what Doctor Who was. His prefered style was dark, gritty, violent hard sci-fi, which worked in some stories or at least sort of worked, but just as often didn’t. And Big Finish is able to take the parts that worked about the era, and excise or tone down the parts that didn’t.

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Currently my favorites are Peri (all time number one), Flip, and Constance, which is a funny because I didn’t care for Constance at first. Mel and Evelyn can get consolation prizes even though they’ve slipped from my top three.


I was surprised to realize this, but while I certainly at least like most of these companions, Mel’s actually the only one I feel strongly enough about to vote for as a favorite.

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I’m not terribly surprised that Thomas Brewster or Mila didn’t get any votes and I’m pretty sure that Patricia McBride becomes a villain, but I am a little surprised that there are no Grant Markham fans out there (not that I’ve read the two books he was in so maybe he’s too niche).

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I’ve never heard anyone talk about Grant; he’s definitely niche.


I think someone on the forum mentioned reading both of them this year, but beyond that I haven’t heard anything either.

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