Favorite TARDIS interior?

I love that the new TARDIS is wheelchair accessible. I watched the clip where Ruth Madeley described how much it meant to her and bawled my eyes out haha :sob:


Yes - I thought that bit was brilliant.

For me, a Tardis doesn’t really feel sufficiently Tardisy without the round things.

I actually really like 15’s Tardis. It was a great modernization of the classic design with all that room! I liked the Fugitive Doctor’s Tardis for similar reasons, and liked the multiple levels in 12’s.

Part of me does always think of Tardis’s from classic when I think of a Tardis, though. Especially 6’s, for some reason.


I love 12’s (specifically from series 9 onwards) and 13’s (specifically from series 12 onwards), with honerable mentions to 8’s, the secondary console room from season 14, and any time the comics try to give 7 a new one

Toyota is the best :slight_smile:

I agree with a lot of what was already said. I love 13’s interior, I love the gold/blue, I love the crystals, but you’re all right in saying it doesn’t feel quite as big as previous ones. My second favourite is probably 11B/12, but it’s possible that’s only because it’s my favourite era in general.

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It is almost as impossible to choose favourite TARDIS interiors as choosing favourite Doctors… But here goes with a top three:

The secondary control room, it is just the perfect design for the era it was used in.

The Scream of the Shalka TARDIS. Again really atmospheric but definitely not as wheelchair friendly as 15s.

The TV movie control room. I can just really imagine 8 and Lucie roaming around the universe in this vast Gothic cathedral - just stunning.


top 3 for me has got to be

Toyota/Capaldi (as it is by the end), very lived in feeling, very warm and welcoming but still a ship

TV Movie, even more lived in. potentially too much but idk I really like it, feels quite fitting for the 8th doctor as well, pairs well with my image of him and Charley.

The Original, they nailed it right out of the gate, that is a timeless design, absolutely beautiful, its no wonder they keep finding excuses to recreate it in the modern show (shout out to the fugitive doctor / house TARDIS interior for a slightly different room around the console


goth kingdom forever <3


I kind of also like the very short lived Tertiary Control Room from Nightshade:

This one I’ve also printed out, laminated and use as a bookmark for the VNAs :blush:


I really like the classic one that was used for other TARDIS’ in Capaldi era


11’s first interior and the TV Movie one are also top 3 for me!! I do love Capaldi’s as well, but it’s perhaps not quite as high up. I also really love the original Hartnell interior, the S14 wood-paneled interior, the S13 one with the blue trim around the inside doors, all the Pertwee ones, and the current one! I have a lot of fondness for 13’s interior too. The later Classic interiors I think could stand to have larger console rooms but are still all quite enjoyable. My least favorites are the one from RTD’s first era (it doesn’t look like there’s anything to it other than the console room because there are no discernible exits other than the outside doors and there’s exactly one shot of anywhere else in the TARDIS in that era) and the Series 7B console (too clinical for my personal taste).


My favourites are 12’s and 8’s. I love a TARDIS that feels lived-in, which is why I never really got on with 13’s interior. Hopefully the new one gets some more personality as we go on, the jukebox is a nice start.


I love 13’s TARDIS, but what I don’t love is that it took them so long to get it so you could actually film anything in there. You can tell they went for form over function, and it’s one of the most visually striking of the console rooms, BUT it’s very clear that fitting cameras in there for scenes would have been a nightmare.


Not a controversial opinion but I’ve got to say 12’s too. I definitely prefer interiors that lean more into a technological than an organic look. The inclusion of bookshelves and the blackboard made it feel very lived in.

Can someone explain why it’s called the Toyota tardis though :joy:


You know, the Master has also had some pretty great, if slightly moody, TARDIS interiors.
Somehow almost always reflecting the Doctor’s current one… (a rather recurring detail in the shipping of our favourite frenemies)



12s is absolutely my favourite (popular opinion I see)

and yeah, I think 13’s is fun, but it’s just a bit too dark for my taste. Light it up a little more (or use some lighter colours), and throw in some things to make it feel a bit more homely, and I think I’d really like it



just some random ones i like.


I do enjoy The Master’s green TARDIS from Fatal Death

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