Favorite other roles of Doctor Who actors?

I’ve been rewatching the National Theater’s production of Antigone from 2012 because I’ve been writing a paper for class about that play and needed to see some scenes again. I ask this question because it stars Chris Eccleston as Creon and Jodie Whittaker as Antigone, and they’re both stunning in the roles. Jodie’s performance of Antigone’s final monologue brings me to tears every time I hear it, and I highly, highly recommend watching that production if you haven’t.

Anyway, there’s so many talented actors in the Whoniverse, and I was wondering if there were other roles like this that blew you away!


Chris Eccleston in The Second Coming is great. Interesting show. RTD at his best.

Paul McGann is great in Luther too.


David Tennant & Michael Sheen in Good Omens. David Tennant as Scrooge McDuck as well.

Jenna Coleman as Johanna Constantine in Sandman.

Derek Jacobi as Erasmus Fry and Arthur Darvill as Richard Madoc in the Sandman episode Calliope.


Davison’s role as a headteacher at the end of their tether in a Lenny Henry series called Hope and Glory will always stick with me.


Hard to think of any role that I’ve seen a Doctor Who actor in where they weren’t incredible really, but I’ll once again give a shoutout to Jodie in Adult Life Skills. Multiple points in that movie where the first time I watched it I had to pause it for a minute to just sob.


Don’t forget Staged too.


I don’t think Karen Gillan gets enough recognition for her excellent work in the MCU. She is amazing as Nebula.


Matt Smith in Morbius /j

But yeah, Tennant is incredible in everything and makes everything incredible: Staged, Good Omens, Jessica Jones, etc

The only show I’ve seen him in that I didn’t like was Inside Man but that’s because I genuinely just hated everything about that show


David Tennant in Taking Over the Asylum was interesting!


I loved broadchurch and thought Jodie Whittaker was absolutely amazing in it, and obviously David Tennant and all the other doctor who actors too. I also recently watched Time, which also stars her and am truly amazed by the way she plays these dramatic roles


I’m glad there’s other Inside Man haters out there. Truly one of the worst shows I’ve ever seen.


Inside Man was a really weird one for me where I felt very engaged through the whole thing and largely enjoyed the performances, but also yeah I kinda hated it. Like Harry really just made the worst possible decision at every moment and then it tried to pull the “everyone is capable of being a murderer” thing and I’m like… I don’t know I think I’d have gotten through this situation with absolutely no kidnapping or attempt at murder, actually.


That production of Antigone is absolutely incredible! I like Alex Kingston’s Lady Macbeth a lot as well, she’s stunning in her performance.

I must here also plug The Omega Factor again - do you like Louise Jameson? Do you like gothic and supernatural elements in your science fiction? Do you like cults and unethical scientists? then Omega Factor is the programme for you!

Don’t get me wrong, the TV series is pretty naff and makes very little sense and yes, I did only watch it for Louise Jameson, but Big Finish in their infinite wisdom created an audio sequel to it with her and John Dorney in it and the audios elevate it from an interesting idea with mediocre execution to a genuinely phenomenal series. Which I love a lot in case that wasn’t obvious


Louise is also amazing in Survivors, especially the first set.


If I don’t mention David Tennant and Catherine Tate in Much Ado About Nothing whenever the subject of Who actors in other roles come up, feel free to assume I have been replaced by a Zygon duplicate. I adore that version of the play!


Well nearly everything:
It was really weird what he did with his tongue in Goblet of Fire. :grimacing:

Whenever I see the name Jessica I hear it in Kilgrave’s voice - Tennant was spectacularly creepy in Jessica Jones :grin:


Peter Capaldi as Malcolm Tucker is brilliant to watch


Matt smith in last night in soho (that dancing scene alone)

Ncuti gatwa as eric ofc!

Karen gillan as nebula in gotg 3, she’s so good in the third one!

There are also some one-off guest stars:
Miriam Margoyles in magnolia
Olivia Coleman in The Favourite
Andrew Garfield In TASM
Neil Patrick Harris in It’s a sin
Nathaniel Curtis in It’s a sin
Simon pegg in cornetto trilogy/ paul
Nick frost in cornetto trilogy/ truth seekers/ paul
David Bradley in AISAT, After Life, Hot Fuzz (Sea Mine!) Pinocchio
Bill Nighy in pride, Living, pirates, TBTR, HGTTG


John Hurt is amazing in Alien. He is killed off in one of the most iconic death scenes in film history.

David Tennant is amazing in anything. Yes, even Harry Potter.

Jodie Whittaker is amazing in Broadchurch, and thanks to her performance in that show, I was convinced she was going to be a great Doctor.

Speaking of Broadchurch and Harry Potter, David Bradley is amazing in both (and nasty in Game of Thrones). He will always be Filch for me because that’s the only thing I saw him in while growing up.

Karen Gillan is amazing as Nebula. I agree with @deltaandthebannermen that her performance is underrated. She is nefarious and fun!

Sylvester McCoy made for an amazing Radagast in the Hobbit films. Truly inspired casting there.

That kid called Andrew Garfield got that little acting gig as Spider-Man, and I liked him more than Tobey in the role. You could say he was amazing!

I’ve always loved Mark Gatiss as Mycroft in Sherlock.

Simon Pegg! He’s amazing in the Cornetto trilogy and the Mission: Impossible movies.

Stephen Fry, Matt Lucas, David Walliams and John Cleese (yes, he counts) are amazing in anything! I love British comedians!

Julian Glover is a childhood favourite from Star Wars and Indiana Jones.

Bill Nighy makes for an amazing villain in Pirates of the Caribbean.

I think that’s all for now. There really are too many great performances to mention, so I’ve probably forgotten a few :sweat_smile:


How much time do you have?