Episode Discussion: The Legend of Ruby Sunday

Didn’t Harriet Arbinger say that when they first got the VHS? Or did I imagine that?


I will listen to that when I do my rewatch. I just have to rewatch Pyramids of Mars first.

But I just wrote this in the season finale thread:


I’m currently at episode 2 of The Sontaran Experiment on a rewatch, so if I “power through” a bit I will reach Pyramids before the final episode :grin:

And how likely is it that Pyramids of Mars is the Tales of the TARDIS episode on Thursday? (that for stupid reasons are only available for a single island kingdom :rage::wink:)



Fantastic episode.
At the beginning, I needed some minutes to adjust—it was too sweet for my taste. And there was a “Martha moment” (Batman v Superman) with Susan. What a stretch…
But then I remembered: It’s Davies. It’s storytelling via emotions, not so much logic. And then it clicked, and even the stretched-out parts worked because they just gave room for the emotions.
Ncuti’s performance: just unbelievably good.
The rest of the cast: just top-notch.
Looking very much forward to the finale next week.


Wow that was definitely the first part of an RTD two parter!

I agree a lot with what @ChrisStokes said, it was a little disappointing. I watched it on my own but imagine if I had a non-fan watch with me they would have been totally lost and rolling their eyes. It relied a bit too much on the things that have been going on this season.

“Do you remember being an ambulance?”

I am glad Susan was a fake out although with all the talk about his Granddaughter (and the little tidbit that he hasn’t had a child yet?!?) that it does get resolved in the near future and we see the real Susan. Otherwise it’s quite cheap to keep bringing her up.

I hope Cherry Sunday is okay and she gets her cup of tea, but Mrs Flood is very scary now!

Loved the design of Sutekh. The image of it wrapped around the TARDIS was brilliant.

I will reserve judgement until the second half! Watching this in the cinema next week, exciting!


With two-parters, I tend to see them very much as one story, so this story very much hinges on next week, and I’m not rating it until then.

I do love the B-52s, so there’s that. Mel was great. Really not sure why the Doctor can’t just materialise the TARDIS in UNIT like a normal person.

Cloaked figure seems even more like the Trickster, and the Trickster was name-dropped. Ruby feels very in line with all these other people planted here and there for various reasons.

I’d heard speculation about Sutekh before going into this one, so not really a surprise there.

Intense episode, we’ll see what happens. And Disney+ manifested ads all through this episode…

Also, please tell me that next season, the Doctor actually goes looking for Susan…


It really feels like they are building up to that. I started to think that the new companion might be Susan.


At the moment, the companion is Mel. Hope nothing happens to her.


Ooh imagine 15, Ruby, Mel, and Varada Sethu as Susan as the TARDIS team for all of season 2 :heart_eyes:


So I just thought, the strange noise the TARDIS has been making, was that Sutekh’s tummy rumbling?


I’d so love that. Partially because I like her as a classic companion, but she’s also been great in every appearance in the modern era so far.


And why hasn’t he just, say, eaten the Doctor when he stepped in the TARDIS or some such?


I feel like these gods have been more about doing things the fun way not the fast way.


Ah that classic Cyndi Lauper song “Gods just want to have fun” :grin:


Pretty much…


That was the biggest fault of the 70s Who, almost exclusively only one companion.
2 or 3 companions at all times please!

Edit: :grimacing:I forgot everything about K-9 :grimacing:


Really enjoyed this! Love that for 70% of it it’s just a character drama built on emotion with slowly ramping up tension that escalates and suffocates for the last 30%. Outstanding acting from all of the main cast too.

I laughed when within the first 5 minutes they lampshaded all the Susan and TARDIS theories lmaaaaoooo

And that ending when the tension finally all comes together… I haven’t felt such chills with a reveal since Utopia I think?? Banger stuff.

I’m also feeling VERY smug because I predicted Sutekh all the way back in The Giggle when The One Who Waits was first mentioned. Before it even became the most popular online theory! I, like most, also called that Susan Twist, playing Susan Triad was too obvious to be Susan Foreman.

Though now I’m wondering about Mrs Flood cause she was scary there… And I thought she’d be Susan Foreman…

Can’t wait to see Empire of Death in cinema and see if this sticks the landing!


For me, the sweet spot is 2. Means there can be 1 with the Doctor for the explanation, and another can be off on their own little adventure.

The Doctor’s Daughter, Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel, etc


A definite highlight of the episode is Carla saying “That’s the Beast” when Gabriel Wolfe did the voice for both the Beast and Sutekh. :+1: