Doctor Who themed episodes of other TV shows

Keen to get together a list of these.

To kick things off:

What else is there?


There’s an episode of Dengineers where they build a TARDIS den.


The scene in RTD’s It’s A Sin


A lot of community episodes feature Inspektor Spacetime. A british sci fi show from 1962.


Tons of doctor who references here, even talks about missing episodes


Anyone remember this show?


There was a Big Bang Theory episode starring the TARDIS. When I watched it for the first time I didn’t have a clue what all the fuss was about. :sweat_smile:

Milo Murphy is a brilliant show and the Dr Zone stuff is great (and the writers are fans I believe).

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Good Omens is worth a mention.

One obvious thing is having David Tennant as Crowley, playing opposite Michael Sheen as Aziraphale. Besides David as the Doctor, Michael was also on Doctor Who.

But, you know, there’s the moment where Crowley is going over other places to go away from the Earth when Armageddon is happening, and it shows a picture of Gallifrey.

Newt wears a 4th Doctor themed tie. There’s a “SID RAT” license plate. There’s the “Exterminate!” moment. And season 2 has Peter Davison…


There’s a fez too. Hardly surprising though considering what a fan Neil Gaiman is.


Yeah, and that Neil’s written for the show. They also got Derek Jacobi for the Metatron, and the actor who plays Strax had a cameo.

Of course, Good Omens was one of these rare cases of a book I really like getting adapted into a tv show I really like…

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There’s even a full fandom wiki and tv tropes page/archive fully detailing this hypothetical show, parodying a lot of dr who and other scifi in the process and is a fun rabbit hole to go down.

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Is this canon? Katy Manning on an episode of Whodunnit presented by Jon Pertwee, looking splendid.

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There was a Dr Who episode of Pointless!

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Shout-out to Star Trek: Enterprise episode “Future Tense” which included a time ship that was bigger on the inside!

Once Reed and Tucker climb into the belly of the ship they find a control room that bares more than a passing resemblance to the TARDIS console.

This was all very intentional as a response to RTD’s failed plans at a Who/Trek crossover

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This site would Have been a lot bigger and messier if that crossover had happened.


Well RTD is back and so is Star Trek, so there’s still time :grin:

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almost dissapointed they didn’t pair off with Paramount instead of Disney though with paramount up for sale…


There is also the comic crossover