Doctor Who themed episodes of other TV shows

I was very tempted to also create a - big Trekkie here as well (and Star Wars…)

If they crossed over for more than just a comic, I’d definitely do it :laughing:


Yeah, the comic is great! But I want it official and live-action :grin:

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that’s a third, fourth and fifth job alone.

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I don’t. I don’t have room in my life for one more fandom! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I always have room for one more fandom.

But I’m basically already into Star Trek. I’ve been going through Voyager periodically, and am definitely following Strange New Worlds, Prodigy, and Lower Decks…

(Less into Star Wars, really. I’ve watched the trilogy, but it’s not exactly a trilogy any more…)


I’ve seen everything Star Trek except for Prodigy and Lower Decks. I’ve seen Voyager twice all the way though, love it.

I’ve seen everything Star Wars except the last few Rebels episodes (currently watching), the latest season of The Bad Batch, and Ahsoka (watching Rebels to catch us up before that).

Yes we are a little bit obsessed.


Seen almost all trek now, missing the end of enterprise and most TOS. I watched DS9 all the way and then immediately told my partner it was amazing and then watched it twice with them all the way through loll


One reason why I’m back with Voyager, actually, is Prodigy. It’s got Janeway as the ships hologram, and she’s so good there it made me want more. Prodigy, which obviously having a good element of being Star Trek for kids, is also to some extent what happened after Voyager ended. Tricky part tends to be having people watch past the first few episodes, because the second half of the first season is where a lot of the best episodes are.

Lower Decks, sure, is a comedy, but the writers obviously love Star Trek, and it’s got some great characters. (And, of course, they did give us an episode called “Twovix”… :stuck_out_tongue: )

Trek I’ve seen the least of: Haven’t seen any of TAS, only saw the first season and a few episodes of the second of Discovery, and I think I stopped watching Enterprise somewhere in the second season. All kinda on my to continue watching someday list, but there are far too many things on that…

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This went very off topic. We have a habit of doing that…

But I feel like a lot of Star Trek is very close to the format of Doctor Who - monster of the week, etc.


Do I need to put my moderator hat on again… :wink:

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I sometimes think that I want to get into Star Trek (I only saw some Voyeger in the 90s) but then I know that I can’t do it just a little bit and that it would be another mega commitment, so I put it on hold.


My partner is a big Trekkie so it’s only fair for him to start shoving it down my throat like I shove Doctor Who down his. We did say we’d start watching one of them together once we finish Brooklyn 99 but unfortunately, due to my new job training we’re not going to be able to watch anything together for a couple weeks.


I love Brooklyn 99 - such a well written and acted show.


We’re on the last two episodes.

On the topic, it’s kind of surprising the show never got a shoutout between Boyle, Holt, Terry, and Amy you’d think one of them would be a fan.

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This is one of the shows my sister grew obsessed with, and from her I learned that they somehow, years early, predicted the negative fan response to an era with the first female Doctor (not that hard to imagine I suppose), and showed off a concept almost exactly like bigeneration visually.

So clearly, Doctor Who has actually been stealing ideas from Inspector Spacetime…