Doctor Who The Collection Blu Ray - Season 7

Now up for pre-order, one of my all time favourite seasons (classic and new).

Doctor Who Season 7 Collection


It’s a very solid season, one of the strongest in all of Who. So happy to see that it finally gets the Collection treatment!


Me too. I love each and every story. Given they are all Earthbound, each is striking and tonally unique. And look at the roster of scriptwriters:

Robert Holmes
Malcolm Hulke
David Whitaker
Don Houghton

Just… wow! :star_struck:


I guess the modern equivalent would be like having a season written by:

Jamie Mathieson (or maybe Maxine Alderton)


Definitely a super solid season, and honestly, a really good jumping on point for Classic


There are certain series of Doctor Who that just aren’t like any other.

Series 18 (my favourite) unites the longest-running producer with the longest-running Doctor, is the only one script-edited by the innovative Christopher Bidmead and is wholly unique. Much later, series 10 of ‘Nu Who’ is the series-that-almost-never-was. Steven Moffat was ready to move on (possibly taking Capaldi with him), but stepped up to the line at the eleventh hour when it transpired Chris Chibnall wouldn’t be available for some time, and no one wanted a ‘gap year’. So we had the unique crew of Doctor 10, Nardole and Bill for one series only.

The original Series 7 is also one such example. True, UNIT were installed, but not quite established as a team. The wonderful Liz Shaw was only there for this one series, and was never the cuddly, silly, sweet companion type like Jo, who typified The Third Doctor’s era. And yes, the production may have featured monsters and aliens, but it was more a bleak BBC Quatermass than the more family-friendly Doctor Who it would become. And I flippin’ love it!

Really looking forward to seeing how much they’ve cleaned up the images, what Janet and Katy have to say in Behind The Sofa, and of course … the stories!


I’d say David Whitaker is RTD (instrumentally involved with the early popularity of the show), Robert Holmes is Moffat (wrote some standalone scripts and later became involved in running the show, Hulke is Chibnall (my first thought was how similar Silurians and Hungry Earth are!) and Don Houghton is Mathieson (for a few standout scripts)!


I just don’t understand the love for season 7. IMO, there are - at most - maybe, 4 good stories.
Actually, though the Pertwee era isn’t a favorite, partly due to the stuck-on-Earthness, I think Spearhead is good, the Silurians and Ambassadors do a nifty job of presenting us with “monsters” that aren’t monsters, if you know what I mean. Three strong there. I personally do not much care for Inferno, and that’s where I deviate from the majority opinion. I recognize some qualities in it, but it’s just not my cuppa.


Doing Malcolm Hulke dirty there. As much as I don’t hate his era like others do, Chibnall is not at the same level as the other 7 names on those lists. Also gonna need an asterisk on David Whitaker as writer of The Ambassadors of Death as he, while being the sole credited writer, had some help there. Including Hulke.


Don’t worry, I love Hulke :sunglasses: (and much more than Chibnall tbh…)


Hulke is a strong contender for my favorite classic Who writer actually. Holmes, Whitaker, and Hulke are all fighting for it.


Can’t wait to watch this on my 98th birthday!

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Looking forward to this one. Jon Pertwee’s first season on Blu-ray is going to be amazing.

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Inferno is one of my top 5 stories ever.

So, when’s the standard edition out???


Oh, I enjoy Chibnall’s writing but I quite agree that Hulke was on another level (alongside Whitaker, Holmes, RTD and Moffat). That said, Chibnall writes better than often given credit and has been influential.

Yes, I’m aware that Ambassadors wasn’t straightforwardly Whitaker alone, but the story still bears his mark of quality and is distinctive.

And I full on LOVE Season 7.

Bring it on!



Thus speaks a man of consummate taste and refinement. :smile:

Inferno blazes with the radiance of true excellence. :fire: :volcano: :earth_africa: :

There’s nothing else quite like it. For me, one of the all time greats.



I go as far as saying it’s my favorite classic serial. Gonna get to rewatch it soon with a friend on the classic Who journey for the first time.