Doctor Who Events

A place to talk about any Doctor Who events, screenings, cons etc that you’ve been to or are upcoming.

I’ve been to some of the BFI (British Film Institute) screenings of Classic Who & last night I went to QWho in West London. A local theatre had 2 panels of guests. Some of the production team from Classic Who - costume designers, set designers, visual FX. & then a panel with Dan Starkey, Nicola Bryant, Bonnie Langford & Catrin Stewart. It was a really fun talk.

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Oh that was the Ealing one wasn’t it. I had wanted to go thar but had relatives visiting :frowning: .

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Yep. They had a slide show with some behind the scenes photos & pictures of costume design art etc. Really interesting. & Mike Tucker who worked on Classic & Nu Who was talking about how he did the submarine FX for Cold War. All practical FX rather than CG.

Sounds great. Now I have FOMO!

I saw/experienced The Crash of the Elysium in 2012, which was an interactive experience. It was incredible, and I am so happy I saw it, it was in my home town (at the time) of Ipswich!

I also saw The Day of the Doctor and Deep Breath in the cinema - the first one in 3D.

I’ve been to The Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff, just before it closed. I had to make sure I went before it disappeared! Hope it comes back.

And I tried to see Time Fracture twice, but both times got cancelled - first because it flooded, then the second time because they finished it early. I was gutted. I really hope to see it someday.

My next experience will be A Dalek Awakens, the Escape Room which I’m doing next month for my birthday. I’m bringing my husband and parents, who aren’t really big fans but hoping they enjoy it!

I’m going to add an Events section to the site eventually, so you can check off the ones you have experienced!


Sounds great Shauny.

I would definitely recommend everyone to go to a BFI screening. Its difficult because tickets always sell out to members & it s always in London but such fun seeing Classic Who on the big screen & q & a with cast & crew.

Some pix from a couple BFI events


Are you just here to give everyone FOMO?!

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So jealous of all the cool things you have over there.

right?? in spain (understandably) we don’t get anything ever

Time Fracture was definitely the best doctor who event I’ve been to! The Gallifrey Cabaret Drag Events are incredible too.


We have had some around here, around St Louis Missouri. Just never been able to attend to being to young or life. They do run some in Chicago but Chicago scares me as a city hehe.

Here is my youngest daughter in 2015 at the St Louis Science Center taking a picture with K9. I missed out on the one event they had recently had.


Went to loads and loads of events during the Wilderness Years - mainly signings at 10th Planet in Barking - and some at The Who Shop. Met so many people from the show.

Did a few conventions including the 30th anniversary and then the big 50th and follow up Capaldi-focussed one.

Have taken my eldest to a few conventions at our local theatre and went to a Day at Devil’s End which was lovely.

And yes, managed to get into Time Fracture just before it closed and have never had such an amazing experience before or since. It was spellbinding.


This looks fun, for sci-fi fans as well as just Doctor Who fans

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