Do you think the revival will outlast the classic series?

Next year it’s the 20th anniversary of the revival which got me thinking will it be able to last for longer than classic Who, does it have more than six years left in it? and if doctor who was cancelled again do you think there would ever be a tv revival again?


I think Doctor Who is popular enough right now to last a while longer. Obviously there’s the chance that Disney will decide it’s not as profitable as they would like and drop it, which would probably lead to a hiatus, but I doubt it would ever truly die, not with the amount of history it has. This is why I’m still not sure about calling the new season “Season 1” - if the show gets cancelled after the next season they’re likely to be lumped with the rest of New Who and the next revival will be the third show.


Honestly, I don’t think I will be that surprised if the TV show gets cancelled. But DW will never die, and I’d expect Wilderness Years 2 followed by an eventual new new revival


I think it depends on if the current run works for people or not. I can see it going on an extended hiatus for a couple of years as they retool it.


Revival Who absolutely has more than 6 years left in it imo

Even if it did though, like @sircarolyn said, it’d end up being another wilderness years, but this time with even more content than there was then. There’s been more audio releases this year so far than there were any type of releases across mediums in the wilderness years (up until 2003 at least, going by the tardis guide stats page)


The Wilderness Years II, Further Adventures


I’d personally say that it already ended at the end of Chibnall’s era, and we’re on the second revival with RTD2.

I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if RTD2 did get cancelled within 5 seasons, as it seems rare for shows to last longer then that these days. I’d expect that either Doctor Who or some sort of spinoff would show up in a few years if it did get cancelled, though…


I understand the fear of the show being cancelled, from it being an anomaly as the longest running Sci-Fi show, and it having a history of being cancelled before, but there’s no way it’s getting cancelled again. I’d put money on it lasting decades to come.

Why? Even if the ratings drop far lower than they are (don’t listen to what people say about ratings - it’s still one of the top 10 shows in the UK, and huge over the world again), it’s one of (if not the number one) the BBC’s biggest international exports. On top of that there are the DVDs and other licensing deals. It makes hundreds of millions of pounds for the BBC.

It also still has massive untapped potential. In a world where “TV multiverses” are so sought after, Doctor Who has an absolute wealth of characters, and a huge expanded universe of books and audios. There’s nothing else really close. Even if the Disney deal comes to nothing, other streaming platforms would bite their hands off to get a go.

The only worry would be if the BBC itself shut down, not an impossible thing in this political climate. But if the Tories lose this next general election (almost guaranteed), then the BBC are safe again for a few years. Who knows what the future holds, but let’s say the BBC is shut down. Someone out there would buy the rights to Doctor Who - they’d be mad not to, it’s a goldmine.

All of us can chip in and try to buy it :rofl:

Don’t let a few negative YouTube videos and a few nasty right-wing pundits calling the show “woke” and saying “go woke go broke” make you worry about this show.

It will keep changing, keep regenerating. There may be gaps again when RTD is gone. It will have its ups and its downs. But I think it’s here to stay! :tardis: :sparkles:


Wilderness Years 2: Electric Boogaloo


So, should we start a Kickstarter or something to help Shauny buy Doctor Who in the future and integrate the show into TARDIS Guide? We could make him the first Doctor of the new TG era of the show!


It’s a good idea, but we all know that will just mean River Bloody Song will be in every single episode…


The main reason we shouldn’t worry about twits like that is because anyone who thinks the show has suddenly gone ‘woke’ hasn’t been paying attention at any point of its entire televised history. They demonstrably don’t understand the show and clearly never have.

And anyone on Youtube with clickbait straplines should roundly be ignored because that’s purely about monetisation and nothing to do with their actual opinions.


Too expensive. Imagine the cost of shooting in different locations around the globe every week :joy:


I’m already as well-travelled as The Doctor :laughing: just need to bring with me a TARDIS prop and a camera and I can shoot a season easily!

As long as instead of fighting aliens and fixing timelines, this Doctor goes to pool parties and drinks gin & tonics :sweat_smile:


To be clear, my not being surprised if Doctor Who gets cancelled has nothing to do with the anti-woke people and such, just my current estimation of how the industry as a whole is going, with very few shows really being safe from cancellation at this point…


River Bloody Song would be a great companion to Shauny’s Doctor! We can make you his second companion!

This is in spirit with traditional Doctor Who. It has, after all, always been made with a shoestring budget!


I don’t pay much attention to ratings & such, probably not as relevant in the modern viewing era. But it seems like it isn’t doing as well in the UK as previous seasons. Nothing lasts forever nor should we expect it to.


Big Finish, when you gonna release the Doctor Shauny Boxset?


I think that this depends on who will take over after RTD. I think that RTD and Ncuti have proven that the show works both financially (hey Disney) and make interesting stories. But who will be next? I don’t see RTD staying longer than the last time and with him writing almost everything right now I don’t see him training anybody new.


All ratings need to be taken into context. Viewing figures for all TV shows in general are down - they have to compete not only with other TV shows but also things that take people’s time - video games, social media, touching grass…

Just in my own friends & family I know at least 4 people who intend to watch the show, but want to wait until all episodes are available because they don’t like to wait. Binging shows is a thing that did not exist back in the 1970s when there were only a couple of channels and no-one had heard of TikTok.

So the best thing to ask is not the raw numbers but how does it stack up against other shows?

And it’s doing great, consistently in the top 10 for the UK, and even on Disney+ it is in the top 10. And the catalogue of old Doctor Who on iPlayer is also doing well apparently.