Dark Gallifrey - Morbius Discussion

Edit: The title of this thread has been changed to encompass the entire Dark Gallifrey – Morbius series rather than just the first part.

Well this is my favorite Big Finish release of the year so far.

I loved in particular the format of chapters with introductory narration, delivered brilliantly by Janet Henfrey, and the full-cast audio for the rest of each chapter.

Tonally, it reminded me of the better parts of Joseph Conrad’s work crossed with the world-building you get from something like Tolkien’s Silmarillion. The building of tension and interpersonal conflict over the course of the story comes close to some of the best parts of The War Master range as well.

For me this is a very exciting introduction to a new range and has left me extremely interested to see both where Tim Foley takes the rest of the Morbius trilogy and where the Dark Gallifrey range more broadly goes.



I was very ready to give this a miss, but the comparisons to the Silmarillion and War Master make me think I might have to go Morbin’


It is absolutely Morbin’ Time.


This here made me very excited! I love Tolkien, so this sounds like a great release! I already purchased it, and now I need to find the time to listen to it :smiley:

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I’ll wait til it’s all out because I like to binge things (otherwise I tend to forget what happened lol).

Plus I’d probably like to listen to some other stories first to get the full picture and history around the characters.


Morbius’s first return to audio in Sisters of Flame and Vengeance of Morbius are both £1.99 at BF at the moment as part of their Dark Gallifrey sale and in their newsletter Book Club.


These are part of the 8DAs, right? Do you know whether they can be listened to without having listened to the earlier Lucie stories? I’m still on the Main Range in my 8th Doctor marathon, and I’m not going to get to these until sometime in the far future with my current pace.

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I’ll be honest and say I can’t remember but I think they’re fairly standalone. The really interconnected stories are later in the Lucie adventures.


Okay, perhaps I’ll listen to them before jumping onto Dark Gallifrey then :slight_smile:

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I think the two Morbius stories in the EDAs are standalone from what came before but they do essentially form a three-parter with 3.1 Orbis.


Lovely so far. It’s very much a part 1, but it’s a very good part 1. The characters are engaging, the concepts are interesting, and if anything I’m anoyed that there’s a month to wait before we get part 2

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I still need to get caught up on The Quin Dilemma but this is on deck after that. I’m glad to hear it’s getting good reviews. Tim Foley is one of BF’s best of the new crop and it’s good to see he’s just as strong as ever. I was personally kinda ‘meh’ on the idea of Dark Gallifrey being just “Villain Miniseries” until I read about Tim’s pitch and that all 8 are meant to be just as creator focused.

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I got the download bundle for Morbius and War Master. But I think I’ll wait til the whole Morbius story is out and then binge the whole thing.


I listened to this today. It’s great—interesting characters and premise, great actors, and good sound design that brought the story to life. Morbius isn’t in it much, and it’s very clearly just the first part of a three-part story, but it is engaging, especially since it includes no familiar characters other than the title character. I’d rate it at 9/10.


With Morbius Part 2 coming out this month, should this thread be amended to encompass the whole of the Morbius story instead of creating a new thread for Morbius Part 2?


Having just finished Morbius Part 2, I’m now super excited for what the rest of Dark Gallifrey has to offer, Tim Foley continuing his streak of fantastic audios


I’m hoping to find time to listen to this soon. I liked Part 1, so I’m excited to listen to this, particularly after what @OctaviaTheNerd said!

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I listened to Part 2 today. It was wonderfully dark, and tense and exciting. Another great one from Foley and I look forward to hearing the last part next month :heart_eyes:


I’m waiting on Part 3 and I plan to binge the whole thing.

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That’s a great idea actually, because they form one coherent narrative told across three separate parts. The second release began with a “Previously on” recap of the first one before picking up where it left.