Comic Club: The Weeping Angels of Mons

Let’s continue The Tenth Doctor and Gabby’s journey with the second collection of The Tenth Doctors year one! This Contains two Storys:

The Weeping Angels of Mons
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Please discuss below - no need to finish it first, discuss as you go along but please add spoiler tags for anything that could be considered a spoiler!

If you’ve previously read the book and want to join in the discussion, that’s great too!

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Has it been two weeks already? Time flies! I have to pick this up and read it :grin:


Read this a few years back (at least the first part), but looking forward to the reread

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I am surprised by the quality of this series. I think The Weeping Angels of Mons is the best story so far and is set in an interesting setting with nice side characters. And with some dept about responsibility vs. love and other interesting things. I also think that the art in this ark is better and that they effectively use grey and dark colors. I give this story 4.5/5

While there is nothing wrong with the second story it felt more like a filler. 3.5/5

I am looking forward to reading the last part of the Tenths Doctor’s first year.


I like The Weeping Angels of Mons and have often heard it cited as one of the best comic stories and a real highlight of the Titan output, but I don’t know, it just doesn’t click with me like that. Maybe another reread and I might like it more but its just in that kinda good category for me.


Yeah Weeping Angels of Mons is just as good as I remember, solid 9/10, I think I’m not as big a fan of this art style generally, but it does really work for this spesific story generally just being darker

Don’t have much to say other than yeah, really liked it


And yeah I agree on Echo, it’s fluff, but it’s solid fluff, I like teh way the noise is shown with different styles for the onomatepia, and it’s not something that’d really work in another medium (at least in the same way) which is nice



I wrote a review of this when I included it in my History of the Universe marathon and was experiencing all the World War 1 stories.

It’s a great story but I’m not a massive fan of the art style (to be honest, I struggle with the art style in many of the Titan comic strips).

8/10 for this I think.


Just finished this one. Here is a link to my quick review.

and here is a copy.

1.06-1.09 The Weeping Angels of Mons
A poignant and hard hitting third arc in the Tenth Doctor series. This arc doesn’t really pull any punches about the darkness of war, while keeping it relatively age appropriate. With a quick pace, but enough room to breath, this story gives you a sense what Angels could reap in a battlefield. The art is beautiful and well done, other than The Doctor, who looks nearly nothing like Tennent. Overall, a well crafted piece that tells a gripping story. 4/5


A quick read. Here is my review

and here is a copy.

Echo is a quick and simple tale that takes place over a single issues. The plot is bare bones, with just enough to get you to the end of the story. This felt more like an outline to Revolutions of Terror than its own story. There really wasn’t much substance here. The artwork was clean and pretty. Overall, a nothing story that didn’t add much. 3/5


While overall I’m enjoying this series, it does seem to be following a pattern. Good story, Meh story.

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I think that the second story is a little better than meh. It would have been better if it had been presented in two issues and not felt rushed.


It’s a meh to be because it felt rushed. Nothing really stood out to me, other than the clean artwork. If it was fleshed out, I might rate it a little higher, even though I think it’s a rehash of the first in the series.. It got a 3/5, but ultimately it’s forgettable because it was so short and rushed. To me anyway.


Read the first story again and still absolutely love it. The angels in WWI is brilliant and it’s just a really fun adventure. The art works well for me, even if it doesn’t quite look like Tennant, it still just works. And the end is sweet with the 110-year-old Jamie visiting the memorial cemetary, and the angel hand sticking up out of the ground is brilliantly creepy in the same way as the statue montage at the end of Blink. An absolute favorite of mine that makes great use of the angels. I could totally see this being a TV story.


There we go, finished the second story. It was nice, sweet. Is it very similar to the season opener? Yes. But’s also just different enough, and short enough to not overstay it’s welcome. I did like that the alien threat was very alien in appearance and not just another humanoid species. 3/5.


Echo is short, yes, but I rather enjoyed that. I can see the similarities to Revolutions of Terror but this one felt a little bit more coherent. I like the idea of the world being crippled by noise.

The hunter aliens were a bit weird in their depiction but not a bad little strip.



With the first one, early on, well, I’m not the biggest fan of historicals or weeping angels. Pretty much, I wasn’t feeling it until I was, but by the end I was, and it was great. Really like the ending.

Second one… well, felt pretty rushed, and I’m not really feeling so much. Not horrible, just kinda average, and needed to be expanded out into two issues.


I finally read the second volume of this Titan series and wrote reviews of the stories. This is for the first one, The Weeping Angels of Mons!

It’s easily my favourite Doctor Who comic so far. Very tense, exciting, and fast-paced, with some good character work for Gabby and with Angels that look and feel properly scary for once. The art is fairly standard, but the rugged style fits the setting well.

I quite enjoyed the focus on the soldiers and their experiences, as I felt the story captured the horrors of war well and slotted the Angels into the scenario nicely as well. Jamie felt like a deliberate nod to that other Scottish Jamie, and he was very likeable.

The story arrives at the resolution kind of out of nowhere, which annoys me somewhat after such a thorough build-up!

My full review is below!

This is a weak 9 for me!


And the second story of the collection, Echo:

This shorter story is a palette cleanser that allows us to catch up with Gabby’s family (they don’t do a lot of catching up, though). Although the art effectively conveys the idea of noise pollution killing people, the overall premise seems more appropriate for TV or Big Finish.

This one is like an action-packed, abridged version of Revolutions of Terror. There’s no real time to develop the threat or the characters before it’s all over. There’s not much substance, but it’s a brief, enjoyable read.

The green alien bad guys came and went and reminded me of M.O.D.O.K. from Marvel.

The best aspect of it is how it teaches us to cherish each moment of peace and quiet that comes our way in this hectic and noisy world.

It’s a weak 6/10 from me!


Tenth Doctor #6-#9 - The Weeping Angels of Mons

Wow - what a story! By far the best one yet both in art & storyline. Great characterisation even of the minor characters, and the Angels looked genuinely terrifying! Also thought-provoking and even educational for those who knew little about WW1.

I’m really impressed by this series so far, I hadn’t expected these comics to be this good.