Colourised (and Cut Down) Doctor Who

I’ve just seen on another forum, a post from Benjamin Cook - who was involved in The Daleks in Colour and the recent Tales of the TARDIS version of Pyramids of Mars.

Apparently, beyond fandom, The Daleks in Colour was a huge success for BBC 4 and iPlayer and got five star reviews in the papers. The BBC commissioned a second one before The Daleks had aired and apparently what that story is, is soon to be announced.

So what do we reckon/hope it’s going to be? Most likely Hartnell and I’m wondering if it will be another longer story. I’d love to see The Web Planet in colour but is it more likely to be more Daleks? It’s unlikely to be an historical I would think.


The historicals have such great sets
Seeing them in color would be great


Well, it’d pretty much have to be first or second doctor, and I doubt they’d colorize anything with missing episodes.

If they wanted to do something short, The Rescue and Edge of Destruction come to mind. Wouldn’t have to do much editing, and the Rescue is a companion introduction.

If they did do historicals, The Aztecs and the Romans would be obvious. (Or edit the Gunslingers down, maybe do a new song cover for it?)

The War Machines is great, but it’s great in black and white? The Ark might benefit from color. Time Meddler seems possible due to popularity.

If it’s the second Doctor, probably Tomb of the Cybermen. Though I’d love it if they were doing the Mind Robber…


Part of me would like to see them tackle The War Games. I don’t think it’s going to happen, but it’s one I’ve had my own crack at cutting down.

Something Troughton would be nice, though. You’d need something intact, so it couldn’t be his first story.


I’m pretty sure the leaks were indicating it to be ‘The War Games’ a while back when the Daleks in colour released


They better not touch the song in the Gunfighters! Contemporary Who does not exactly have a great track record with songs. I will have to start a riot if they touch the Ballad of the Last Chance Saloon, (annoying as it might be a bit)


I’d have to imagine if they were cutting down the serial that some of the bits they’d want to cut would be song bits, though.

Lynda Baron’s passed on, too, so we couldn’t have her re-sing it. (Though maybe there’s a soundtrack version that could be used?)

Of course, Peter Purves is still around. He could sing it…


I would love a second Doctor story. Enemy of the World maybe. But that is such a perfect story that probably would be worse if it
Was cut down.


Which is one reason I think it’d be neat if they did “The Rescue”. No need to cut it, and it’d be nice to see what they did with it in color.


Fair’s fair. That would be brilliant :grin::cowboy_hat_face:

“Singing by Steven Regret!”


Im sure I would like The Web Planet a little bit more if they did this!

Don’t. Touch. The. Gunfighters!

Don’t. Touch. The. Gunfighters!

Seriously, though. If they did another Dalek one, Master Plan or Evil would be awesome (but not very likely). So that leaves Dalek Invasion or maybe Power? Or perhaps they want to go to another classic monster and do Tomb of the Cybermen. And I agree that historicals would be amazing to see, so I’d vote for The Aztecs or The Romans.


The trouble with Master Plan, Evil, and Power is there’s something like 4 episodes existing between all 3, so not really much to colorize.

And a cut down version of Dalek Invasion was already redone with Peter Cushing…


Personally I’d love to see the Aztecs in colour. Mainly because Barbara’s costume is so pretty…


Ahh yes, silly me! I totally forgot about them having missing episodes!

By that logic, we shouldn’t have gotten Daleks in Colour either, because it also exists as a cut-down version with Cushing. Besides, the Cushing movies are sort of a reality of their own, so I can’t see how their existence would impact a potential Dalek Invasion colour release in any way.


I don’t think it will be The Web Planet because it has an unfavorable reputation within the fandom. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a Patrick Troughton story. You could probably cut down The War Games, as fantastic as it is, to about one hour and 40 minutes and it would still make sense.


Fair enough. Maybe they are focusing on colorizing the original serials the movies were adapted from, even.

Just got fairly sidetracked and created a one episode version of The Rescue myself, though obviously black and white. Comes out to 48:37, though it’s got the weirdness of having the words “Written by David Whittaker” appear in the middle of the runtime. Ah well, it wouldn’t be particularly noticeable otherwise…


The Ballad Of The Last Chance Saloon, sung by Sam Ryder and Sydnie Christmas?

You could say the same for The Daleks and Dr Who And The Daleks, to be fair.


The Aztecs!

All epsiodes!


Don’t forget The Chase!
Mechanus in colour would definitely be amazing + a colourised “London 1965” postcard montage would be incredible!


I am guessing The Dalek Invasion of Earth will be up for colourisation next.
Got to make sure the punters know more about Susan before she appears in the finale next season :wink: