Cardiff - the home of Doctor Who?

Boom Town is currently in our Audio Club so I thought it a good time to share our thoughts on the city, the stories set there and whether or not people have visited it and toured the locations.

Boom Town showcases ‘modern’ Cardiff and The Unquiet Dead is set in Victorian Cardiff. Obviously Torchwood revels in being set there and this extends into the audios and books.

There is one BBC audiobook set in Victorian Cardiff -

So - who’s visited? Any good stories?


Chip Alley!

I have stories, but not to be repeated here :rofl:


I am bracing myself for pictures of Ianto’s Shrine :wink:


I’ve visited Cardiff, the main reason was to go to The Doctor Who Experience before it closed for good :cry:

I also visited where the Torchwood Hub is set (Roald Dahl Plass) and visited (spoiler: Torchwood Character who dies the shrine of Ianto Jones!) - that was really sweet.

Apart from that, I’ve not done much exploring of Cardiff!


I have pictures!


Of course you do :grin:


I am a bit sad that I never went to that. I hope RTD 2 will be the start of a new golden age of Doctor Who and that they will do something like this again.


I went round Cardiff with my wife and best friend and visited all the main locations Roald Dahl Plass, the shopping centre where Jackie is attacked by Autons in Rose, etc. We even went as far as finding the road where Mickey is eaten by the wheelie bin and the church from Father’s Day which are further out.

Went back years later to do the Experience with my kids and my brother’s family. Had a great time. My wife less so as she had an awful stomach bug and threw up in a bin at the Experience! We got taken to a backstage area which means I’ve seen a bit of the Experience hardly any other visitors have :smiley:


I’ve got some somewhere!


For a moment I thought you were going to say she threw up in the Auton wheelie bin, now that would have been something :rofl:


Did anyone get to eat in the diner before it closed? My two friends did but sadly I never got there (and I love a good diner).


I did! When we had a lads weekend in Cardiff so not an intenional Who related visit. We sat outside & I didn’t realise till I popped in to use the toilet.

Food was crap tbh.


An ex went to Cardiff University, so I visited a lot. In the main centre, Cardiff is beautiful, but once you get out of the main part of town it’s a s**t hole.




I’ve been to Cardiff many times. I have family in south Wales and have visited the Millennium Stadium/Principality Stadium on occasion for rugby internationals and testimonial matches. Happy to say I’ve walked around many of the locations for DW.

As others have rightly said, parts of Cardiff are lovely. Like any major city, however, it has its problem areas also.

The walk to Penarth from the Millennium Centre and Senedd building (or should that be “Lazarus Laboratories”) is a lovely walk and will take people past a number of familiar views. :slight_smile:


I had a trip to Wales planned earlier this year but unfortunately had to cancel. I’m going to the US in November and I’m considering taking a detour along the way to visit Wales anyway. I don’t have a lot of opportunities to leave the country, but if I’m going to spend over twenty hours on a plane anyway I might as well stop to see the sights along the way. And I saved up for two trips this year, so I have the money. It’s only a matter of planning.


I love Cardiff—I’ve visited a few times and always had a lovely time. I’ve been to some great theatre, cinema, been to several museums, and had some lovely food… but shockingly done NOTHING Doctor Who related!

(To be fair, the Experience was closed by the time I visited, otherwise I’d have been on it like a shot!)


The only time I’ve been to Cardiff was to stop off at an Asda on the way to - well I can’t remember just at this moment, but it was on the way to somewhere. Probably going on holiday somewhere in England. The Asda was nice enough.


Oh, but my mum went to uni there


I went to Cardiff uni and lived there for 7 years. I’m not too proud to admit that a significant part of me wanting to go to the uni was to be close to Doctor Who. Went to see filming a few times, I have particular memories of being there for the filming of the 50th anniversary.

It’s a really lovely place to live but was just a bit small for me in the end. It keeps on changing massively whenever I visit for work, or gig there.