Big Finish Ninth Doctor Adventures

So I just finished the recently released Buried Threats boxset. It’s good, the Bernice Summerfield story that ends the set is especially fun. That said, I think that the series is really just treading water. You have an early Ninth Doctor arriving somewhere, discovering a problem, fixing the problem and moving on. Yes, he’s running from the Time War, but they’re all starting to feel too similar and generic. I think it’s time that they either bring in Billie Piper and do some with Rose, or give him a new companion and do a twelve-story arc. I’m enjoying these for the most part, but they’re starting to lose their luster. Big Finish needs to start doing something with them as nostalgia can only go so far. What do you guys think?


Haven’t listened to the latest set yet, but I like the idea of giving him a new companion (though I’m slightly biased as I never really cared for rose)


Fair enough. I’m not that huge a Rose fan either. Though I think I like her better with Eccleston than with Tennant.

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I agree with you here; however, I believe one of the conditions Eccleston laid for doing these audios was that there’d be no ongoing companions and no stories with Rose or other characters from Series 1. In one of the Big Finish podcasts, Nick Briggs said as much. So I believe they are threading very carefully so as to maintain a good working relationship with Eccleston, since he truly seems to enjoy making these. And it is a joy to listen to him doing Nine again, even if it feels like the stories don’t achieve much since they can’t really develop the Ninth Doctor further or include certain characters or monsters who Nine hadn’t met yet at this point (such as The Master or the Daleks).


Yeah, I know. I figured as much. It just feels like the range is starting to get stale. Maybe I’m just hoping that after three years they’d be able to convince him.


In a recent panel with Billie Piper he said he’d be up for working with her on some BF audios. They just need to show him the money.


I know that we won’t be seeing any Mickey or Jack. But maybe some Rose with a little Jackie thrown in? And what’s to say that there wasn’t another companion alongside Rose in between Adam and Jack? Anything to keep these feeling fresh.

9th Doctor range is one of my favourites. One thing I don’t enjoy so much is when BF do big epic events over boxsets with lots of characters meeting each other. I know with this range I won’t get any of that just fun episodic adventures.


Well, as we’ve seen, he’s changed his mind about things before. Perhaps there’s hope that we’ll see him do a few sories with Billie again; it would be a fantastic trip back to 2005!


After recently listening to The Clockwise Man audiobook I’m really craving new Nine & Rose stuff so I really hope they do that.

Or a story with Nine & Jackie, that would be hilarious!


An absolute must!


Started the latest set. A Theatre of Cruelty was fun. The plot was not the most original but the characters & setting was, & it held my interest moving along at a good pace. I do like historicals that introduce me to a person I’ve never heard of before.


I’ve generally really enjoyed the Nine range - as you say, it’s not anything revolutionary by and large but mostly the stories tend to be fun which I appreciate. And I get why they don’t want to give him a full time campanion, but it might be nice to see a few more recurring characters. I am very excited to listen to the Benny story - if anything, a full boxset of Nine and Benny would be awesome because he already knows her so she doesn’t really count as a new companion :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


They just announced cover and details for the next set and it’s three stories of Eccleston and River Song.


Oh heck yes - finally. Definitely starting on Ninth Doctor Adventures sometime soon after I finish Diary of River Song. This is a pairing I’m definitely excited to hear!


I’m suuuuuuper excited for this :confetti_ball::tada::heart:


Well until now anyway… the dartboard is starting to creep in…


I will probably give up on the range if it continues.

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I’m a long way off it yet fortunately - I’ve only listened to the first four sets so far and really enjoyed the two-parter with the Brigadier in it

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I’ve enjoyed most of these, some more than others. Very curious as to where they’ll go next with these after the River Song set coming out this month.