Audio Club: Neverland

It’s time to listen to and discuss Neverland

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Always nice when an audio decides to go all out weird.

A surreal and haunting Gallifreyan dreamscape of another universe where time is an abstract concept.

A really great character piece that doubles as a bizarre and ethereal ghost story.

It’s a little slow but all worth it for that ending. Oh my lord, that ending. Probably my favourite cliffhanger in any Doctor Who story.


Full review here. If you enjoy, feel free to drop a like:


Spoilers in the following illustration



Yayyyy Neverland I love you !! this is a kind of weird one and honestly I’m still not sure I fully understand it but it’s excellent and of course now we have a wait for Zagreus…


I listened to this yesterday and I love it. I’m a huge fan of these weird, atmospheric audios we’re getting with Charley and Eight (also like they just have such good voices for this medium!)(and also I know there are more coming and I’m very excited for those). This one was really wonderfully messed up and really well build with the soundscape. Also Romana! I can’t wait to actually start Gallifrey! These first glimpses are such fun already. Also that cliffhanger at the end is sooo good.

Kind of unrelated to the story, but when they first said zagreus, I was so taken aback by it being pronounced zagre-us because I forgot English doesn’t really have ‘eu’ as a sound (well at least not spelled this way).
And I think this story is partially responsible for my very weird dreams last night😆


Just absolutely impeccable. It’s wild, it’s insane, and yet atmospheric and scary. It’s a distillation of Doctor Who into a single story and yet it’s so unlike any other Doctor Who story.


In my head I always think of this as “the prelude to Zagreus” and “the prelude to Gallifrey,” but listening to it on its own, it’s such a tight bit of Time Lord weirdness and I love it for that. It’s also aged well in context of the Time War stuff, presaging the ruthless and surreal nature of that conflict.


Wow, that was so epic. The story is grand in its scope, the atmosphere is perfectly surreal and mind-bending, and the duet of 8th and Charley, as always, provides interesting dynamic. I have yet to read Mark Platt’s ‘Lungbarrow’, but for some reason I think ‘Neverland’ (and probably ‘Zagreus’) feels like that story. I mean, I know almost the whole plot of that book from TARDIS Wiki, because I was very curious and had to look up everything about this strange person called ‘The Other’, don’t really know who they are and how are they connected to ‘Doctor Who’ (although if you know, you know lol). Literally can’t wait for the next entry in this ark, the cliffhanger is note-by-note perfect, it could be seriously considered for the best cliffhanger in all of ‘Doctor Who’ in any medium (and I’m also really grateful that I don’t have to wait as long as people who were listening to Main Range at the time it was coming out). And if this story can be considered as ‘prelude’ to ‘Gallifrey’ (as @eddyfate wrote)… then I’m sold


I am only done with Part 1 of this, but I ‘think’ I like it so far.
I haven’t listened to that many Big Finish stories before, only ‘Short Trips’ until now and I thought this would be more confusing, but at least for now I can keep up.
I like the concept alot, as I like weird Lovecraftian style dimensions. I don’t know about the monster though. I feel like big bad evil things talking through our characters doesn’t feel that inspired and it happens a lot in Doctor Who.
The revelation at the end of this part kept me intrigued and I’m looking forward to finishing this.


Is pretty good. Marvelous cliffhanger at the end. Some nice character stuff. Interesting that it’s split up in only two parts. This ‘timeless’ dimension feels pretty normal though… I feel like a big part of this story depends on the atmosphere of this crazy place hitting you. Because there’s quite a bit of nothing really happening. Part one dragged for quite a while, and not just because of its length. And this super special weird dimension just came in my head as a bit of background gobblygook white void with bits floating around.

Still undeniably a solid story. 8 or 7 something


After going “wtf is anti-time,” I found this. Doctor Who was right! Scientists find evidence of ‘negative time’ | The Independent


After first listen, I gave it a 9/10, so I really enjoyed it! I have to say I don’t remember a lot, just bits and pieces, but I know I enjoyed it more than Zagreus. The atmosphere here was incredible.


Just listened to this. Wow, it was incredible! This is what I want from Big Finish - character development, big plots arcs, weirdness, and an epic cliffhanger that gave me goosebumps.

It could have been a little shorter because there was some filling in the middle but those are my only notes. 9/10 can’t wait for the next one!!


Love this story.
Such a good prelude to Gallifrey!

The 8th Doctor and Romana II together is a fantastic combination.
It’s about two hours of Gallifreyan Time Shenanigans/Technobabble which I am here for :grin:

Charley and 8 really have something special going on in their relationship, they are just great together. Charley is a bit like Leela in the sense that while she doesn’t always really understand the minutiae of what is happening, she catches enough of the drift to provide brilliant insight and advise.

4,5/5 :star: from me :slightly_smiling_face:


This should be a Trope!

Like, saying “I love you” in Scherzo which is my favourite main range story?


Listening to this today. One thing that occurred to me. How did the anti-time that the Doctor and Charley spread around affect Sutekh?


He got a mild case of indigestion but he got over it


Poor doggo :smiling_face_with_tear:


Anti Time is like chocolate


I think I like the second half of this more than the first. It’s in the second half that you get all the lore dumps (I always enjoy a bit of Gallifreyan lore, especially if it’s handled well), and the best Eighth Doctor bits. McGann sounds like he’s having a blast with this script. And why couldn’t we have had a whole series of Eight/Romana II stories (when instead we really just get this and a Shada variant)? McGann and Lalla just bounce off each other wonderfully here. This really feels like a great season finale.