This one earns the title of the lowest rated story in all of the Main Range… can you come to its defence?
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Oh boy between this and Book Club we’re really hitting the infamous ones huh… This one is known as ‘the one so bad it almost made Peter Davison quit’. I don’t remember anything except the bad bits so I will withhold furter comment until I’ve actually relistened so I can judge it more fairly
I had the same thought when I saw threads for Nekromanteia and Transit appear at the same time! Both very infamous stories.
I don’t remember being particularly offended by this story (I cannot be bothered to keep thinking about how to spell it) but I also don’t really remember it being particularly good.
I do remember the witches’ voices though!
I probably should re-listen to it, but I just can’t bring myself to do it.
Listened to it. It’s like a Novel Adaptation of one of the worst Wilderness Years books. It has all the hallmarks: inexplicable darkness, poor characterization, and a beyond stupid plot that thinks that it’s way smarter than it actually is. I despise Prison in Space for slapping a sexist twist onto a standard runaround. I can find nothing good about this story.
There is that one scene which deserves all the hate and vitriol it gets but a good majority of this story consists of some actually pretty great sound design and atmosphere.
Then again, it drifts off into mediocrity by the second half anyway, so who really cares?
Full review here, if you enjoy, feel free to drop a like:
Okay. So. I didn’t think it was THAT bad. Like obviously there’s the completely unnecessary part where Erimem gets sexually assaulted which I hate, duh, but the rest of the story isn’t that horrible.
The subject on which the story centers i like enough. I don’t think it was well able to sustain the full length of the story and so was stretched out quite a ton, but the very over the top dramatic blockbuster climax which ends with a cat becoming god and saving the day was very fun, so worth it I’d say.
I kind of love the ridiculous music that is just that same drumming the entire time. Like a lot in this story, it’s very camp but enjoyable to me.
The shades of capitalistic hell that the side characters live in are great. Companies literally owning their consumers and stuff. Actually this would’ve probably been a more interesting world to explore than those witches… Might’ve had less dumb gore too.
I agree with the comments that this isn’t as bad as I was expecting.
With that awful scene I was expecting it to be much worse, based on what people were saying, but she was just struck, and then nothing else happened. I get that the whole scene was unnecessary and should have been cut, but it wasn’t terrible.
The worst thing about this story is that it’s just so boring, but then again it’s a Fifth Doctor story.
I listened to the last part at 1.5 speed which I never do but I just wanted it to be over.
Listened to this story a while ago when I found it’s low ratings. Never finished it. Just too boring to keep up.
I was wondering who this is but I vaguely remember that there’s one person who rates everything they watched/listened to/read 5/5, except for really bad ones, which get 4.5/5.
So looking back on this one, I have something to say about it. I referred to this as feeling like a Novel Adaptation of one of the worst Wilderness Years books and I stand by that. I still can find absolutely nothing good to say about Nekromanteia. It’s a bad story with bad characterization, a bad plot, and it bores you out of your mind to really twist the knife. I think the worst part of it is that underneath everything here, there was a genuinely interesting Macbeth pastiche to form out of these characters and in this setting. A story where the proud villain is brought down by the other forces around him coupled with his own hubris in a cyberpunk dystopia. Wish it could have gone to someone who actually knew how to write a Doctor Who story.
SNOOOOOOZE… I’m a little behind in relistening to audio club and I must say this one was really making me hesitate. I should like it, I love it when DW goes all cults and blood sacrifice. And yet every single scene is just like… whatever man. It’s slow, it’s dull, it’s violent for the sake of it and even that is just like ugh rather than being the shock it wants to be. I do agree that it’s not perhaps as offensive as its reputation, but things being blown out of proportion makes sense because I really cannot imagine anyone wanting to relisten to this. I certainly don’t ever want to again
I don’t plan on relistening to it when I catch up. I think the biggest thing about this one that I didn’t like was that it was rather confusing and way too noisy. The witches were just a lot of annoying noise and I had trouble following the plot. My biggest memory is of the cricket dreamscape. I will say that I would love a return to the Garazone bazaar.
That build up of the Doctor and Erimem talking about who will sacrifice themself for dull universe-ending plot reasons, and then a cat jumps in there and all is well. And hey the Doctor can just buy Erimem a new cat so where is the harm? (That’s how petowners feel right?)
You could hear in Nicola Bryant and Peter Davisons’ performances that they knew this was crap.
This has taken me about three days to listen to in small bits because every sound was annoying and the story was boring.
Worst Main Range so far, even worse than the Daleks doing Shakespeare one.
1/5 and thinking that I am being generous.
Were Big Finish desperate for scripts at this point to let this go into production?