Audio Club Extra - where next?

Gallifrey Series 3 will be wrapping up in Audio Club Extra in the next few weeks so I wondered where people wanted to head next.

I think we’ll give Extra a couple of week’s break to allow people a chance to catch up with all the Audio Clubs but what shall we listen to next? Do we want something from the early days of audio or flip to something more recent?

  • BBVs The Professor and Ace: Republica - Guests in the Night
  • Bernice Summerfield Series 1: Oh No It Isn’t - Dragon’s Wrath
  • Dalek Empire Series 1
  • Jago and Litefoot Series 1
  • Sarah Jane Smith Series 1
  • The Diary of River Song Series 1
0 voters

Gut instinct made me click SJS but then I changed my mind because although I love the SJS audios, I can imagine that they easily would not be to everyone’s taste and I’d rather the clubs be something lots of us will like. Then I tossed up between Benny and River because I love both of those series too.

But then I thought harder and voted for something I’ve never listened to before. Though I’d be happy with almost any of these options


Well, I’m going to do Benny this year, as per my resolution, so doing the first series would suit those needs.

On the other hand, I’ve always meant to get into Dalek Empire.


On the one hand, I think Dalek Empire or Benny are the best options, exporing the earlier years of BF is interesting and I really like how it’s gone with the last two extras…

But on the other, there’s BBV /hj


I’m obviously loyal to Benny, but let’s be honest, there’s a lot in those first two series which isn’t very good!

And the ongoing series is so intertwined with the books it is less accessible to newcomers, so in retrospect, changing my vote.


My first thought was Sarah Jane Smith because @natequarter has made them sound insane on tumblr, but the descriptions of it do sound a little hard for a more general audience. And I’ll be starting them soon either way.

So instead I’m going with River Song, one of my very first beloved characters in Doctor Who, because I think it would be a good idea to get some more New Who people interested in the audio club! And it’ll make @shauny happy


I’d say Dalek Empire or Benny. Honestly, though, all of them are viable options.


If and when you do, please start a topic to tell us what you think, I’d love to know!


I actually voted for Benny because I like how the Audio Club gives me a motivation to leave my comfort zone and try something new.

But if it’s too intertwined with the books then maybe that’s a project I should do on my own (and perhaps not yet).

I see Dalek Empire is leading and I’d be fine with that if there aren’t too many shouty Daleks lol

I’d like to try Counter-Measures after hearing @sircarolyn rave about it, but it wasn’t on the list.

River, of course I love her, but I literally just finished a massive binge.

I don’t really have any interest in BBV at all…


Yeah, I really enjoyed the audios, but if you haven’t watched some of Sarah’s Classic Who appearances, some of the plot’s a bit confusing. Personally I’d go with the Benny audios myself, I think.


The novels are currently available as downloadable audiobooks from Big Finish read by Lisa Bowerman.


I will! I’ll mainly just have to look at my budget on when to start it, the last few months have been a bit expensive lol, but I’ll probably still get some (late) Christmas money soon


Maybe a Book Club Extra as well, so we can do a full Benny experience?

Not that I’ve kept up with the normal Book Club lol


Yes, but not the short story collections, which are equally if not more important than the novels. I live in hope of those also getting audiobooks, but with so many more writers to discuss rights with I imagine it’s more difficult.


Hooray!! I wouldn’t be unhappy about it being in our extra club at all :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I’m rooting for some “Vienna” soon(ish) :grin:
Or the Stage-plays
Or Counter-Measures
Or I, Davros
Or some Companion Chronicles
Or the early BF UNIT series
Or Short Trips
Or Cyberman
Or the Destiny of the Doctor releases
Or the Lost Stories range
Or the Rani reaps the Whirlwind
Or any of the others on the list above

I’m not picky… :wink:


I thought we needed a break from @sircarolyn squeeing.


Yep I agree, but I’ve voted for something I’m familiar with, Jago & Litefoot. Because I was planning on listening to it again!


Noooooooooo. I’m only on tardis guide for the squeeing :joy:


You think that lack of a club will stop the squee?? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: