Ah, Panacea. Panacea. The episode that you are. I have a lot to say about this one (everyone act surprised)
I have tried very hard not to say too much about what I feel about s3 because I’ve been trying not to bias anyone, but I have to say it is one of my least favourite series and I do find this episode to be a letdown. More than anything, it frustrates me. The first time I listened, yes - the WAIT WHAT reaction is there and I will give it that. It is very exciting, and very funny.
However, the more you listen to it, the more it falls apart. The thing with the pigrats and the virus is basically nonsense and the way that will get ‘wrapped up’ in later episodes is… interesting and convoluted to say the least. But it is exciting and if you don’t think about it too much, it does sweep you along and you can have fun.
My biggest frustration with the whole thing is the character work. Or rather, anti-work. Yet again, Leela is criminally underused and sidelined - you’re telling me that after spending almost three series grieving/forgiving/hating/grieving Andred only to now bein exactly the same place she was at the start of s3. She literally says almost exactly the same things she says a handful of episodes ago, and I get that she would still be mourning him but to have any growth all season just wiped away? Doesn’t work for me. Louise Jameson though, is as ever, on toppest form and I love her.
Narvin continues to grow in interesting ways, especially now he’s Romana and Leela’s bestie, but Romana tooI find to be relatively stagnant in this one. The plot just happens to her. It’s been a moment since I listened to this one at all and I am struggling to think of a single plot driving moment she has in it.
Also don’t you love how any other female character in the series to this point is dead? (not to advertise myself but I wrote an essay about this)
And that end… I know they were going for like an Angel the Series type thing but I just don’t think it works here. Certainly it’s a shocker but after over an hour of chasing everyone around, Gallifrey in ruin, and no easy way out, not giving it an ending almost feels like taking the easy way out as a writer.
I don’t know. I feel very complex-ly about this one. I don’t hate it. But I don’t love it either. Certainly one of the weaker series finales in my view.