Audio Club Extra: Gallifrey 3.3 - Appropriation

In the wake of Civil War, Gallifrey stands more vulnerable than at any time in its controversial history. The other temporal powers orbit the ancient Time Lord society, poised and ready to take control.

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Too good of a story. Love the themes. This is my introduction to Paul Sutton, and so farā€¦ heā€™s a pretty great writer! Return of Colin Baker was very pleasing. I think everyone by now knows this theory, but I still got to say that Colin Bakerā€™s appereance is just one of the standart appereances of Time Lords. He could play any Time Lord! So letā€™s presume the next incarnation of Rani is played by himā€¦ /j Tense political thriller with great character developmentā€¦ Itā€™s 10/10 in my book!


A great little chapter, more character-focused and a bit calmer after a couple of intense chapters. I love how it builds effectively to the next big confrontation, whih plays out in Mindbomb.

  1. Supporting characters like Narvin, Leela, and Matthias are given more prominence here.
  2. Lynda Bellinghamā€™s portrayal of Darkel is powerful, highlighting her cunning manipulation and opportunism.
  3. Romanaā€™s decision to name herself as her successor showcases her strategic brilliance.
  4. The High Council meeting, particularly Romanaā€™s confrontation with Darkel and Narvinā€™s loyalty, delivers impactful moments.
  5. Colin Bakerā€™s cameo as Commander Maxil adds a delightful touch
  1. The temporal peace negotiations lack the intrigue and urgency of Gallifreyā€™s political drama.
  2. Leela feels underutilised, with reactive moments overshadowing her potential for proactive contributions.
  3. The exploration of Gallifreyā€™s external threats could have been more integral to the story.

But it is now I start to understand the love for Narvin.


It really is amazing how Narvin just ā€œsneaks up on youā€ :grin:

I absolutely love him, especially in the ā€œTime Warā€ and ā€œWar Roomā€ erašŸ˜Š


I have lost my Gallifrey flow. I have one episode of Box 3 left to listen to. Might pick it up when my vacation is over and I have to commute to work again.


Iā€™ve caught up with you then :slight_smile: Iā€™m probably finishing Series 3 next week and then moving on to Series 4 (because I donā€™t have to wait several years to get to itā€¦).


ahaā€¦ one of my least favourite episodesā€¦ for a civil war, it is incredibly slow and boringā€¦ Thereā€™s some interesting political manouvering but Leela gets almost entirely forgotten about and Romana spends most of the time incapacitated. Iā€™m glad others are loving this one but I have always found it to be dull and nothingy.

There are some excellent moments though, like Narvin pledging his loyalty to Romana, and ā€˜she doesnā€™t need my sympathies she has Leelaā€™ #codependecy for the win

Iā€™ve been biting my tongue sooo hard not to say anything in advance about the end of s3 to try not to bias anyone but letā€™s just say it is not my favourite.

That said, Mindbomb rocks though


Itā€™s certainly slower than the others, but the performances kept it going for me.

Hard agree! Thatā€™s a criminal offence!

Oh no!

Oh yes!


Just finished this and the best description I have is just ā€˜fineā€™. Bit above the standard for general doctor who audios Iā€™d say, but definitely under the very high standard that Gallifrey so far has set. I enjoyed it and the Romana stuff was amazing, Lalla Ward is really good at that breathy exhaustion, and I loved the way she sold those political twists, appointing herself her successor but honestly, someone give Romana a break. There was a lot of use of law and legalities in this one and to be honest, I found that very confusing, Iā€™ll see if I get that better after a second listen but quite honestly I think Iā€™ll need to start drawing diagrams if I want to get that. I missed Leela, it felt like she was barely in this one, but her moments with Narvin were wonderful. Narvin in general is wonderful here, heā€™s really started to shine in his loyalty to Romana.

live blog
  • I think this is going to be very interesting for the technical Time Lords
  • love the way theyā€™re talking about paper
  • she does not need my sympathies, she has Leela I love that
  • Narvin is a much better second in command than in full power
  • but I love him being put on the spot like that
  • Leela finds it most amusing sheā€™s so sweet
  • I donā€™t like Valyes heā€™s too Time Lordy
  • I love K9
  • his snark :laughing:
  • Romana!
  • why the ā– ā– ā– ā–  is she being tormented by Darkel even in this state
  • god she is so weak
  • as if civil war wasnā€™t enough
  • this is not going to be fun you can say that again
  • also if this K9 gets hurt I will riot
  • I think Narvin in this situation is very interesting
  • someone get Darkel away from Romana that is just mean
  • you are gallifrey I love the way Romana just turns more and more into that
  • Leela!
  • post boy :laughing:
  • Leelaā€™s really lost all her patience for politicians
  • I do like that weā€™re dragging Darkel along only for the way she hates that
  • Romana being idolized like that is very compelling
  • I may quite by accident shoot you please do
  • oh she appears to have found some more strength
  • probably the adrenaline but that was very sudden
  • if Iā€™m not going to kill them Iā€™m going to talk to them some common sense finally
  • is she passing out again
  • colin baker? oh maxil that makes sense
  • he seems to have become Romanaā€™s man somewhat I love it
  • Leela is so very soft talking to Romana
  • thank you Leela
  • oh she is really, really weak
  • stop torturing Romana
  • Leela :laughing:
  • she looks like a corpse that is uh
  • I love that sheā€™s still using her words as weapons though
  • oh what now
  • I do think heā€™s maybe got a point because Romana thrives in a crisis
  • I hate Valyes
  • and Darkel
  • oh I gotta be honest letting go of that might actually kill her
  • oh right they were looking for K9 I forgot what Leela was actually doing
  • you have my full support I love the way his loyalty has shifted so fully to her
  • dude how are you not getting it
  • these negotiations are getting somewhat tedious
  • which is how I imagine the characters feel
  • oh weā€™re doing war now
  • okay then
  • I love her dark laugh
  • thank you Narvin Iā€™m fine :laughing:
  • I love him caring for Leela now
  • I love that she knows all these legalities
  • I name myself as my successor gallifreyan law is so crazy
  • oh shit
  • I did say this might actually kill her
  • what is going on now
  • actually I need a book of gallifreyan law for this
  • it is getting very confusing
  • donā€™t worry about me, Narvin, Iā€™m fine.
    I know. So you wouldnā€™t want me to patronise you by assuming otherwise
    I love them
  • yeah tbh Iā€™m mostly confused rn
  • but apparently we are doing an election now

Darkel is starting to really annoy me. It was fun having her around for a bit, but sheā€™s overstayed her welcome and itā€™s time for her to be written out.


Well, hang in thereā€¦


Just learned that Captain Henzil is played by writer John Dorney.


This was a great episode. Darkel and Valyes make a fun pair to hate. Matthias is quite the schemer, and I love it. Leela and K9 somewhat take a backseat in this one. Narvin shines of course and Romana continues to be front and center. Canā€™t wait to see everyoneā€™s thoughts on next weekā€™s episode.


It was good. Very meh for me and kinda circular with some really ridiculous loopholes.



Thatā€™s all.


Really enjoyed this one. Darkelā€™s constant twisting and semantics to gain the upper hand is so infuriating - in a good way. I honestly canā€™t remember her fate so Iā€™m looking forward to what happens in the last two stories.

Leela is as people have said, rather sidelined but I think thatā€™s okay as the focus of this story is on the temporal powers and Darkel trying to gain the upper hand - again - with Romana being forced to be just as manipulative with the law.

It is also interesting to see how subtly Narvin moves over to the ā€˜rightā€™ side. It isnā€™t a sudden change of heart. Itā€™s a gradual, quite realistic development of his character.


I just relistened to this one, and I actually like it a lot more now! The main thing I didnā€™t like the first time was how confusing and rather boring the politics were for me, and the way that made the ending feel out of nowhere. But now, knowing what it leads to, Matthiasā€™ way of slowly amassing the specific powers he needs seems really ingenious and recontextualizes a lot of what happened to me. Also, just Narvinā€™s loyalty. The way he is now so fully in support of Romana is incredible


You think heā€™s a loyal little puppy nowā€¦ ourgghhhh :sob:


Mid listen, loving this already, but had to pause for a second to just come here and say Colin!!!