I’m only up to Kursaal in my (extremely slow and sporadic) EDA read through buuut I think it’s from The Taking of Planet 5, when they rly get into the War In Heaven arc but any EDA aficionados pls feel free to correct me
I’m pretty sure you’re right, that’s a very Taking of Planet 5 idea!
Yeah just checked the TARDIS wiki and that seems to be the one. Plus it’s explored more in The Book of the War (faction paradox) apparently
Actually, I was wondering at what point Erasure would be best to listen to? Like to both make it hit properly emotionally and to not spoil anything
I would do it after Enemy Lines, but before Time War. It slots well into that little gap there
Remind us this when we get there please
Loving the ‘when’ - I’m so happy I converted you all
I’m happy to be converted
Oh good, that’s where I have it on my spreadsheet (thanks to the tardis wiki timeline for Romana)
Is Audio Club Extra just turning into Gallifrey Club…?
Maybe we should rename it
Or have a spin-off club of a spin-off club…
That would be Club-ception then!
Yes! You are our Master and we will obey you!

At least, that’s how she’d like to see it, I think. Because if she truly thought so, she wouldn’t be conflicted. She would no longer search for him, just grieve him and move on.
Ourgg so true! She hasn’t really seen anyone she knows regenerate. Even if she knows that it can happen, it’s not the same as actually watching it, and now for the first time she’s seen it and it hurts. Andred lied to her and changed every part of his being, so of course she’s going to be unsure about Romana who could have been anyone before. And she’s come to trust Romana completely - the last thng she needs is to be hurt all over again.

to know that she has been changed, removed from her natural order of life to become something in between. She does not, cannot fit in with the Time Lords, she will always be different. But neither can she go back, not truly.
YES YES all of this!!! This to me is Leela’s ultimate tragedy in Gallifrey, and indeed throughout her entire life - she yearns so desperately for a place to belong, but she never really has. Even among the Sevateem, she was strange, and now among Time Lords she is shunned and rejected. But she has importance and protection with Romana, something that makes her even less popular with Time Lords in general.
I’d argue the only place she ever really belonged was with the Doctor, where they were both a bit strange, both isolated from their homes, both with a curiousity for the universe. Since then, I think she has been trying to find a home in another person again, which was Andred, and now is Romana - which is why, with threat of betrayal all over again and knowing she really does not belong on Gallifrey, she wants to leave.
That’s what always gets me about Leela - she is always trying to leave, and she is never allowed to - whether she is stopped by Brax or Romana or herself, at this point she is so tied to Gallifrey that, even though she doesn’t and will never belong, she can never escape it.

So instead of failing to fit in, she rejects Time Lord culture outright. Rejecting science in favor of the spiritual, yearning for nature.
This makes a lot of sense, because of course in her TV episodes, she is keen to embrace scientiic thinking and that’s what gets her kicked out of the tribe to begin with. I think this gets forgotten in the Gallifrey series too often, but framing it as a way of protecting her heart against the way she gets treated by Time Lords makes it better.

Sacrifice seems encoded in her soul
This is putting it mildly. Romana - especially as the series goes on - puts so much of herself into Gallifrey that she can rarely see a way to solve a problem without some grand, sacrificial and world-saving behaviour. It is Not healthy for her. And, as you say, I think Etra Prime was so damaging to her and it has left her mentally and physically scarred. It’s like she believes that the only way she can keep control of herself is to hold everything so tightly in her hands, so no wonder she explodes when she can’t hold on.

I feel that Romana wants very badly for Leela to be happy and to stay with her, whether this is platonic or romantic, and she does not know how to deal with these feelings.
Yeah… emotionally repressed queen <3 At the end of the day, their relationship is one that is, and becomes even moreso, completely codependent, and even if you don’t ship them (which I do, but obviously isn’t the be-all and end-all of everything, and I actually think it would be awful if it ‘went canon’), the fact is that they need each other. Neither of them quite fit into the places where they are, and nobody else can quite understand that.
This series… them… yeah <3 I really enjoyed reading all your thoughts, thank you for sharing them!!!

You are our Master and we will obey you!
Muhahahahhahahh!!! My evil schemes are being realised!!!
You mean your charity case?
I do think that taking a break after Series 3 is a good thing. The series changes a bit after Series 3 so a break there works. Series 1 -3 are kinda one long arc.
I’d love to wait a few more weeks just to see people’s reaction to the first few minutes of 4.1 Reborn