Audio Club: Bang-Bang-a-Boom!

It’s time to listen to and discuss Bang-Bang-a-Boom!

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This is fun!
If you don’t like this you admit to hating fun.
You don’t hate fun do you?


This was awkward for me. It’s a fun, silly play (which I tend to like), but it was written by Gareth Roberts (who is a loathsome human). I try to divorce art from the artist, but Roberts is so awful that hung over the entire play for me. I can’t be objective about it.


This one is SO fun and I love it and I haven’t listened in ages so I’ll certainly be relistening this week. I remember enjoying this one a lot


Unfortunately, Roberts has written something good again.

Whilst not as funny as his previous entry into The Monthly Adventures, Bang-Bang-a-Boom! is fun with a capital F. A Christiesque murder mystery with a cast of really fun characters and a great setting.

A lot of this story is just hanging around with the cast and it’s honestly great, I just enjoyed being in this fun and insane world, even if the story wasn’t perfect.

Full review here, if you enjoy, feel free to leave a like


I must hate fun. :person_shrugging:


Well, this was loads of fun!

Gareth Roberts (the horrible human being) has co-written yet another unique and fun adventure, released as the Big Finish Christmas comedy release of 2002.

Bang-Bang-a-Boom = 8/10

A fun parody of Eurovision, Star Trek and whodunits. As a major Eurovision fan, I can confirm that they get the parody perfectly right: the political shenanigans, the dry commentators, the contestants. But it’s also an effective murder mystery in the style of The Robots of Death. The dialogue is frequently fun, and the performances are top-notch (McCoy as a light-hearted Seven for once, Langford is fun, and Jane Goddard plays a character who sounds like Alpha Centauri but isn’t). There’s the little love story between Seven and Angvia (her name is an anagram!). The individual episodes are a bit too long, though, and the many twists and turns made me lose track of the story at times.

They finally moved to using era-specific theme tunes!

I love how the title is a play on the 1969 UK Eurovision entry (and winner) Boom Bang-a-Bang by Lulu, while the cover art mimics the poster for Star Trek: The Motion Picture.


Guys, I like ‘fun’ (‘Happiness Patrol’ is 100% masterpice imo)… But I honestly had ‘fun’ only during the last episode of the story. And having the writing credit for Gareth Roberts… Certainly leaves a bad taste in my mounth. I think I’ll give it a 6/10 for them trying to make a fun Eurovision parody (but I honestly would much prefer version with more songs… though I heard that there is a full Big Finish musical episode… will certainly wait for that)


Yes, that’s Doctor Who and the Pirates! It’s up in the club a few weeks from now. I’m also excited to listen to it for the very first time.


I think we should acknowledge this is also the work of Clayton Hickman and all the other talented people both in front of and behind the microphone. As horrid as Roberts views have proven to be, he is only one of many contributors to this story.


I had a lot of fun during this one. Would love a TV Eurovision and Doctor Who crossover. Might I suggest that the Doctor visit Eurovision 1974 in Brighton it had a fantastic winner.


No no no, Eurovision 2006 in Athens would be a better choice :wink::finland:


I can give a lot of good years how about 1974, 1984, 1991, 1999, 2012, 2015, or 2023?

But it might be even better if the Doctor visits Sweden the year after. If they go to Eurovaion 2013 in Malmö they might meet me in the crowd :star_struck:


Okay then, this is an argument I can’t win :laughing: let’s go for a compromise and pick Eurovision 1963, 2000 or 2013, when Denmark won. Then you could get Malmö in there as well :wink:


Lordi are prime candidates for a Doctor Who story, everyone thinks they are the monsters trying to bring down the world, especially when the wings fold out.
In fact it is the jury who are spearheading an invasion of Earth. :sunglasses:

Hard Rock Hallelujah :metal:


Perfect. Let’s decide on 2013. I can play myself!


You were born to play that role! :+1:


Yep! You’re in the cold open, and you’re the first person the alien kills. You’re in the episode for a minute and have no lines :laughing::laughing:


It’s worse than that. He’s only in the Tardisode for that one :grin:


It’s worse than that. He’s glimpsed in the next-time trailer for the episode but cut from the episode itself :sweat_smile: