Well the only thing I’ve really heard about it is @shauny saying it wasn’t very good, but it’s River working for UNIT during Season 7 so the premise does sound exactly like my cup of tea.
It pressed all my buttons, Liz and River was a dream team to me. Certainly one of the better River boxsets for sure
I think I’ll treat myself to this and Liz’s Companion Chronicles when I finish Season 7.
Are the Third Doctor Adventures any good?
I just listened to it a couple months ago. I really enjoyed it, but it gets a bit slow in the middle, so I took a short break in the middle.
I haven’t listened to all the 3DAs (yet) but those I have I by and large have enjoyed. There are ups and downs as always, but the standout stories are very strong indeed. Liz’s CCs are also excellent
Oh I loved it!!
I might have been having an off-day lol
Plus I must admit that I’m not that into Third Doctor era stuff, but you sound like you love it so I’m sure you’ll love New Recruit!
Would you believe that Alex is 62 years old already!?!
She doesn’t look a day over 40 to me!
I hope I’ll age as gracefully as she does.
dammit shauny- now I wanna buy The Legacy of Time too-
Let’s listen together!
You’ll have to wait til I get back home though.
decided I shouldn’t because I’m already spending waay too much- like I just ordered the last 2 of The Eternity Club and Donna Noble Kidnapped physically-
right now I’m not sure if I’m going to straight up start Transference tomorrow since I already started listening to the villain trilogy because I finished Neverland recently so as a way leading up to Zagreus I am listening to Omega, Davros and Master.
I really wanna hear this series, I’ve heard their 50th and 60th audios. Maybe an Audio Club Extra Extra??
Bought legacy of time!
Are The Diary of River Song Series 11 & 12 worth getting? I’m not a completionist, but I’ve listened to Series 1-10 and found them to be a mixed bag.
S11 is one of the best pieces of Whoniverse media IMO. I’ve been a listener for 10 years this year with BF, and its the first one that made me cry. S12 is generally a mixed bag, but the Jackie/River story is a must if you love camp stories and those two characters.
Friend of the Family (s11) is an absolute masterpiece and an all-time fav.
I really like Dead Man Talking from s12. None of the other stories did much for me but that one was great.