Adventure is my name! - A Bernice Summerfield Thread

Or, a Bernice Summerfield appreciation post.

I don’t actually have a whole lot else to say except I love her an unbelievably big amount. I spend all of summer 2023 finally getting into her audios and I had so much fun. Kind of considering reading the books too, but for now I’m listening to the BF audiobooks before bed and I adore Lisa Bowerman as a narrator. She’s just brilliant :heart_eyes:

Oh, and the new Nine boxset!!! I so hope that’s going to be a good story, I’m excited to hear it.

What’s everyone’s favourite Benny adventure?


I adore Benny and Lisa Bowerman (and she always remembers me when we meet at events which is sweet).

Oh No It Isn’t is a huge amount of fun. I rather like The Poison Seas (clever bit of stuff done with the Sea Devils). The Crystal of Cantus is rather harrowing as is The Mirror Effect if I remember rightly,

The Time Ring trilogy is my favourite though with Just War being absolutely superb.

And thanks for the title for this thread… I’d almost completely forgotten about that theme tune!


I swear that song gets stuck in my head at least once a week :rofl:

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I’m ashamed to say I’ve never listened to any of it! I need to correct that post-haste I think! I got “Oh No It Isn’t!” for free from Big Finish so I’ll listen to that soon :smile:

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You definitely do - Lisa Bowerman is wonderful and everything about Benny is just huge fun.


Yeah Bernice Summerfield is great, at least the audios are, the only book I ever read with her in it was Human nature, I need to read more


I’ve been slowly working my way through her series from Big Finish. I skipped the first that was just novel adaptations and have then been slowly working through combining the recent audiobook versions of the old Big Finish Benny novels and the older audio dramas as they switch back and forth. It’s a good they’ve been turning the novels into audiobooks because otherwise you miss a lot in those early years.

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You may have skipped them as they are novel adaptations, but the Time Ring Trilogy is well worth anyone’s time.

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I was intimidated by the sheer quantity of Benny before I started but I definitely did not regret taking the plunge, she really is wonderful. I need to do a relisten sometime soon, possibly a bit more slowly so I can actually remember individual episodes :joy:


ive only just started getting into her stuff but i thoroughly enjoy lisa bowerman’s performances. she also just has a really pleasant voice i think, even on stories i’m not that interested in she’s very nice to have on in the background while I’m working.
thusfar i still think Oh No It Isn’t! is my favorite, it’s so silly and everyone sounds like they’re having fun. I’ve probably listened to it three or four times by now lol.


Have to agree! Been working my way through her series (I’m on Squire’s Crystal) and obsessed with her!


I just finished The Squire’s Crystal audiobook and I have to say I enjoyed it way more than I was expecting to. Lisa Bowerman is just the best, I really hope they revive the Benny range properly because I would listen to them forever


I’m also pretty new to Benny. I’ve enjoyed the more recent stuff with Unbound Doctor. I think the first thing I heard her in was The Triumph of Sutekh. The fact that I enjoyed a 7th Doctor story is down to how much I took to Benny. Need to listen to more.


I’m going to do it. I’m starting Benny from the beginning!


hooray!! enjoy it!

Well that was not a good start. Oh dear. Where to begin with Oh No It Isn’t! a rather baffling choice for the first ever Bernice audio drama & the first ever Big Finish audio drama. Made for people who are already fans of the books I guess? Throwing the listener into a tiresome panto comedy plot with cringy humour, for those new to the character I’m sure it’s all confusing & difficult to care about anyone or anything happening. I certainly felt that way. I lost interest quite early on. & by god this just goes on & on & on. A real struggle to get through. At one point I left the room to make a pot of tea & couldn’t be bothered to pause it. Not my kind of thing at all.

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I skipped the first season of novel adaptations and started the Benny series with the audiobook of The Doomsday Manuscript (2AB. Bernice Summerfield: The Doomsday Manuscript (Audiobook) - Bernice Summerfield - Books & Audiobooks - Big Finish) which I really enjoyed. Then I’ve been slowly working my way through the audio dramas and audiobooks. Next up for me whenever I get around it is “The Glass Prison”. Be aware that, especially early on in the Big Finish run, major plot points feature more in the novels than the audios. The Tardis wiki page is very helpful in getting the proper order. Bernice Summerfield (series) | Tardis | Fandom


Another one done, Beyond The Sun. An improvement on the first story but still nothing great. The story jumps around a bit & there’s a lack of urgency to the whole thing. Maybe down to the acting or direction but things just happen with no real dramatic tension or drive. Zero pace. It’s basically not very well written. The only engaging character is Benny, Bowerman is the one highlight of this. Not something I’d return to.

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I’m hoping you enjoy the Time Ring Trilogy more. Just War is excellent, IMO.

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I also have to admit that I’ve never read the Benny books or listened to her audio adventures. I’ve been planning to, but there’s so much stuff I want to catch up on that I’ve never gotten around to it. But it seems like I should give them a go soon!