Adventure is my name! - A Bernice Summerfield Thread

I haven’t listened to anything with Benny in yet, sadly.

I bought the “Eighth of March” box set (funny story I actually bought the CDs on sale but their stock system messed up so they had to cancel my order but they gave me the downloads for free) but I haven’t even gotten around to listening to all of that yet, which she’s in.

I definitely plan to listen to some soon but I’m on an Eighth Doctor binge at the moment plus listening to Nine and Eleven, and the Audio Club too of course :sweat_smile:


I bought all her original audio adventures a while back when BF had a sale on bundles, so I have them waiting in my app for me to find time and motivation to listen to them. One of these days, I’m sure :smiley:

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I do not want to know what an Audio Clun is… :wink:

Well sadly that’s me done. 3 stories in & I’m not enjoying this at all. I love Benny in the more recent stories but this stuff is not my thing at all.

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Aww and I’d just created a badge for her too :sweat_smile:

I do find some of the very oldest Big Finish tough to get through.

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I still think you’re missing out if you don’t give Just War a chance (Dragon’s Wrath, though, which follows it is bad. Richard Franklin didn’t even remember being in it!)

Well I can rate some of the newer ones. I want my badge lol

I skipped the first “season” of novel adaptations and went in with both books and audios on season 2. The audio dramas themselves in season 2 were just kind of meh. The books were mostly excellent. It also doesn’t help that some major events were in the books. I get the idea, and am thankful that Big Finish has released audiobook versions of the now out-of-print physical books. I’ll get back into Benny eventually, but for now have too much other stuff to listen to.

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Nazis. Sorry I’ll give it a miss.

She;s back!



And ‘Triumph of the Drahvin’ - superb!

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Delightful news to wake up to, I’m so glad they’ve decided to do more. Looking forward to this very much


Audio-wise, I’m avoiding diving fully into her series until I finish reading the Virgin books featuring her. However, I did really enjoy the first NABS set! Random Ghosts and The Revolution especially were really good.

One mild frustration that I have listening to her audios, which is nobody’s fault, is that Bowerman’s Benny voice is not the one I hear in my head when I read the books lol. I didn’t think this was going to be an issue because I had listened to a couple random stories with her before reading the books, but as I’d listened to a lot more of Jago & Litefoot (which has Bowerman as Ellie the barmaid, the most frequently recurring character other than J&L themselves), I accidentally began to imagine Benny’s voice, when I did start reading VNAs with her, in the higher pitch that Bowerman uses for Ellie (although not with Ellie’s cockney accent :laughing:).

From the books, however, she’s become one of my all-time favorite companions & characters in the franchise! She’s a brilliant character, albeit one that I think works a lot better in books than audios bc the prose format allows her more interiority.

…Tbh, I think just about everything works better in books than audios :sweat_smile:


I’ve been listening to the BF Benny audiobooks lately and I must say I do agree with your point about interiority - Benny’s little internal remarks about everything are just brilliant. But I also adore Lisa Bowerman’s performances of Benny - hopefully as and when you listen to more audios with her you can get used to her voice :rofl:


I imagine I will, I’m definitely going to be listening to the audios once I finish the books!


I saw that Benny was making her MR debut in The Shadow of the Scourge, next week’s audio club. Anything essential I should listen to before that or is this a good Benny starting point?


It’s a good starting point. That release is actually in the Virgin New Adventures continuity.


I don’t remember there being anything vital. As long as you know who Benny is (and that this version of Ace is the hard-bitten, Dalek killer one from the NAs) you should be good.


I know that Benny exists. Is that enough?