I’ve been here a week or so already, bumbling around and getting lost a lot, but I think I am getting the hang of it now.
I’m a Whovian since Oct 2023 when I belatedly started the New Who TV series on a whim and was instantly hooked. I didn’t watch much as a child because Tom Baker should have been ‘my’ Doctor, but he terrified me! Now in my late forties, I’m catching up with everything I missed and wishing I hadn’t left it so long!
That’s reassuring to know that it isn’t just me! Tom Baker is so many people’s favourite that I always feel a bit bad having deliberately avoided watching his Doctor.
I’m working through the Jon Pertwee classic era on iPlayer at the moment and getting closer to the Tom Baker years. It will be interesting to see if nearly-fifty year old me is braver than five year old me was
Tom Baker is a bit scary isn’t he? For me it’s how tall and loud he is, plus some of the faces he pulls. I remember being a bit freaked out by him when it was on TV when I was younger (reruns), and I never watched it.
Hi Shauny I started at Rose just over a year ago and completely binged from Nine through Fourteen, with a rerun through Twelve because he’s my favourite (so far … !)
I’m up to date with Fifteen and looking forward to the new shows coming soon.
Plus I’m watching my way through the Classic era and I just enjoyed the first of Season Ten, I think, The Three Doctors, today. It took a bit of readjustment to enjoy the older programmes because of their slower pace and, especially in the Hartnell era, I had more of a feeling of watching live theatre than television. Some great stories though. Planet Of Giants is a favourite and I loved The War Games as well.
Hello there I’m going to be brave this time around!! Four is such an icon and, you’re right, lots of the best loved stories are part of his era.
I understand that the Zygons story has just been pulled from iPlayer though. A copyright issue, apparently. I’m a bit disappointed to have not got there quickly enough to have watched it.