A Galaxy Far Far Away - A Star Wars Thread

As suggested by @shauny and off the back of my railing against popular opinion over Andor, here’s a thread for all the discussion you could ever want about the Force - both the Dark and Light.

This is the way.


Andor >>>> Mandolorian > Acolyte > Askoha (I haven’t watched rebels or enough clone wars, sure it’d be higher if I had) > Obi-Wan >>>>> Book of Boba Fett

Looking forward to Skeleton Crew!


Obviously I’m the anti-Star Wars fan. I thought Obi Wan was great and didn’t mind Boba Fett at all. And as I’ve said, Andor was just slow, confusing, boring and fronted by the least charismatic actor in the franchise (and I’m including the mouse droids in that…)…


My bread and butter in Star Wars is the Legends universe (everything pre-Disney). That said, I’ve quite enjoyed some of the comics that have come out of Marvel. Doctor Aphra is a highlight for me.


I have two all time favorite Star Wars comics series. First is Knights of the Old Republic by John Jackson Miller which is the story of failed padawan Zayne Carrick who is framed for the murder of fellow padawans. 50 issues of fun action-adventure during the Madalorian Wars that had been the background of the two KOTOR games. Plenty of cameos from characters from the games. There’s a 6-issue miniseries that sort of acts as a fairly unnecessary epilogue.

The second, and possibly the best Star Wars story ever, is Star Wars: Legacy by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema. This is set 130-140 years after A New Hope and follows Luke’s great-grandson Cade Skywalker as he tries to avoid Jedi and Sith alike after the Sith return en mass and nearly wipe out the Jedi Order. Again it’s a 50-issue series with a 6-issue War miniseries following it, though in this case Legacy: War is absolutely necessary as it’s the epic conclusion to the series. There’s also a second Star Wars: Legacy series by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman set after War that focuses on Ania Solo. It’s okay, but only ran for 18 issues (because of the switch from Dark Horse to Marvel) and had in my opinion horrible art (especially after the awesomeness that was Duursema’s).


star wars that’s the one where he boldly goes where no man has gone before right???


jokes don’t hit me


I feel like I’m both familiar with Star Wars, but have also seen less of it then a fair number of people.

I saw the original trilogy. I didn’t see the prequel trilogy, though, you know, I’ve heard Weird Al’s “The Saga Begins” (and “Yoda”), and I did read the prequel as manga.

Haven’t seen the newer movies, spinoffs, etc.

I’ve played several Star Wars pen and paper/board game RPGs and some Star Wars computer games.

Also… kinda don’t agree with the Jedi philosophy?


I’ve seen absolutely everything Star Wars, yes even every Clone Wars and every Rebels episode.

It’s a franchise my husband really loves so that’s why I have seen so much of it. Otherwise if it had just been me I’d have just watched more Doctor Who.

Here are my hot takes:

The original trilogy is really good.

The prequel trilogy is underrated. Yes there’s some bad acting in it. But I really enjoy it, especially the third part.

Rogue One is the best Star Wars movie

Solo was a mess

The latest trilogy had a crisis of confidence, relied too much on trying to bring the old gang back together, and the third installment took a total U-turn. I like Rey though.

The Clone Wars went on way too long, one of the seasons which was underwater had us nearly abandon it, they should have removed the fluff and the filler because by the end it was absolutely brilliant.

Rebels was pretty good, seemed aimed at a younger audience, but again the end was brilliant.

The Bad Batch started really strongly but I felt the most recent series have been treading water

The Mandalorian was good but gets samey. Wish there was more focus on Grogu. I’d like to meet his other relatives, I think he is far more interesting than the bounty hunter

The Book of Boba Fett was pretty boring and just an extension of Mando

Obi-Wan was massively disappointing

Andor was genius, really loved it. But can’t remember too much about it now :joy:

Ahsoka I wanted to love, it was really nice to follow up from Rebels, but I thought it was a bit disappointing

The Acolyte was fresh, exciting, interesting. The direction was superb. They did some wonderful things with the franchise. So of course it was cancelled.

Looking forward to Skeleton Crew but really not hopeful with the direction of this franchise anymore!


I just absorb Star Wars with next to no criticisms on my part.
I have just been continuously in love with that galaxy situated so far, far away since I watched A New Hope when I was 8.
Yes there are messy storylines, bad acting and horrible special editions at times but I just tend to not care.
(Except for Attack of the Clones, by The Tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise is that a boring movie)

I adamantly believe that no Star Wars will ever surpass Timothy Zahn’s “Heir to the Empire” trilogy of books for me.

Just give me onscreen Mara Jade and I will be forever happy :grin:


TRUE!!! :k9:


Star Wars in the late 70s/early 80s is something I wasn’t around for (born the year after Return of the Jedi) but boy did it hang around. As a kid the films were still huge and so they have a kind of feeling of belonging to everyone, not just those who were around when they came out.

And I love that.

The Episode I hype is something I remember as being the first example of fan frenzy, at least for me. GoldenEye had been huge but new Star Wars? Trumped everything.

Maybe I was the wrong age for the prequel trilogy, I found it considerably lacking but I’m fully prepared to lay some of that down to teenage/early 20s cultural snobbery because I’ve revisited them and they’re ok. I’d still put it as the weakest of the film trilogies but it’s nowhere near as bad as I felt it was first time around.

And I do like the sequel trilogy to be honest. The Last Jedi is far better than the derision it met suggested and it’s my favourite of the 3 by a considerable margin. Rise of Skywalker is the weakest but it’s still not an unmitigated disaster in my eyes. It was a mess and didn’t need to “course correct” but it definitely had its moments.

The TV stuff is in danger of getting unwieldy, I’ll admit. Star Wars used to have an almost prestige vibe about it given how rare a new entry was so to have so much of it now does take some getting used to. But I’ve enjoyed more of it than I haven’t.

The Mandalorian was fantastic when it began but seemed to get a bit lost and Book of Boba Fett felt entirely disposable and seemed to make Boba out to be almost entirely useless, a big comedown for the coolest bounty hunter ever.

Obi Wan Kenobi I did really like, McGregor slipped back in easily and it wasn’t just that I saw no problem with little Leia, I genuinely thought she was great. Ahsoka was a lot of fun too and while I knew who she was, Mando was my first experience of her because I’d never done the animated stuff. Still haven’t. But definitely will.

And the cancellation of The Acolyte was such a shame because it was what I want these shows to do - explore different elements of the universe, in this instance a different time entirely. Thought it was great and felt distinctly Star Wars.

The best show for me though? Definitely Andor. A bit of a hot potato on these boards at the moment but I found it so immersive and engaging that I am eagerly awaiting Season 2!


The Legends Universe is my bread and butter, and while the original Thrawn trilogy is superb, my favorite series is Legacy of the Force, a nine-book series chronicling Jacen Solo’s fall to the dark side. I also enjoy the series around it that add more context. Legacy of the Force is excellent, though if you want a fuller picture, I recommend the 19-book New Jedi Order and the Dark Nest trilogy that lead into Legacy of the Force. Legacy of the Force is then followed by the standalone book Millennium Falcon and the 9-book Fate of the Jedi series which isn’t as good as Legacy of the Force but still enjoyable.


There’s another season! Colour me Dragon’s Den - I’m out.


Star Wars was my low-key favourite franchise for a long time. I read all the ‘legends’ books, comics etc. I have several cuts/versions of the films on my server. Up until Ahsoka I had seen everything that had been released.

  • I love the OG trilogy.
  • The Prequals are OK.
  • The Sequals are OK. (I am biased for Daisy Ridley)
  • Rogue One is great in theory but has some plot holes that I can’t get past.
  • Solo is solid.
  • Alden made a good Han.
  • Clone Wars 2003 is excellent.
  • Clone Wars 2008 does more to elevate the Prequals than anything else.
  • Rebels doesn’t get the love it deserves because it’s a “”“kids”“” show.
  • The Bad Batch is a great epilogue to Clone Wars.
  • Mando series 3 is a great sequel to the Clone Wars/Rebels fall of Mandalorian arcs.
  • Mando is great popcorn TV, but I don’t love it as much as others.
  • Boba Fett was a rushed production. It had an interesting idea, but the plot was so thin that you could see Mando season 2.5 through it.
  • Obi-Wan sacrificed interesting for EPICCCCCCC moments. Like the beggining, hated it by the end.
  • Andor is the most interesting and different thing that has been produced by Disney since they bought SW.
  • Ahsoka had the potential to be a great ‘Rebels season 5’, but sadly it didn’t do a lot for me.
  • Hayden is the best part of Ahsoka.
  • The Acolyte looked terrible so I didn’t watch it.
  • The new Thrawn series is way better than the Legends Thrawn series.
  • Star Wars fandom is actually cancer.

I don’t like being negative so I’ll just chip in here and there with my positive thoughts.


I’m sorry, he was good but the best part was Ray Stevenson


Another way I’m clearly the anti-StarWarsFan is that I thought Solo was a pretty fun film. I remember enjoying Rogue One, so I’m hoping Andor won’t have lessened my enjoyment if I give it a rewatch.

Of course I am both shocked and appalled that the best Star Wars series ever hasn’t even garnered a mention yet, let alone the plaudits it deserves…


Baylan was cool, but it just didn’t lead anywhere for me to find it interesting.


And I loved this film when I was a kid (and thought it was terrible when I showed to the kids a couple of years back).


That’s fair, I think where it was leading was great but yeah it was building to a conclusion we didn’t get this season, and sadly won’t get now


Season 2 is coming soon™ but, probably, with a new Baylan.