Saturday 23rd November is rapidly approaching and we thought it only good and proper that our community did something to celebrate 61 years of our favourite Time Lord.
With such an international community, online seems to be the best option and we thought it would be fun to have a Doctor Who Quiz.
Our Discord Channel has video capability so we will be using that to come together. We will provide details of how to join our Discord and how to access the video chat nearer the time.
The plan is to hold the event at around 4pm GMT but we want to find a time which will work for as many people as possible.
Please choose from the options below to give us an idea of what will work best. (You can choose all three if you want to):
4pm GMT / 8am PST / 11am EST
5pm GMT / 9am PST / 12pm EST
6pm GMT / 10am PST / 1pm EST
We are very aware these times may be unsuitable for our friends on the other side of the world in places like Australia. If you would like to do something at a time more convenient to you, I’m sure we can arrange it.
More details nearer the time but for now, we look forward to seeing as many of our community as possible on the 23rd November!
You can access it through a web browser - is there a particular reason you don’t plan on getting it? (This is coming from me, someone who struggles with Discord as I haven’t a clue how anyone follows a thread of conversation on there!)
But we can do it via other means if people would prefer. I have access to Zoom, for example.
That’s fair enough. Just didn’t want you missing out if it was a specifically Discord as a platform sort of thing.
If anyone has any ideas for other anniversary things we could do that were forum based, we’re happy to hear ideas and see what we can do. We want everyone to be able to be a part of the celebrations.
I am also planning a badge for the anniversary… currently trying to think if it should be for participating in the quiz or one more generic for just rating or reviewing something on the 23rd…
You could do voice only, or text only. But if you don’t want to do that, that’s fine!
I’m sure we will all be posting things on the forum too!
Will you need to download Discord to join?
With Teams and Zoom, you can join if you have a link and a web browser; you don’t have to download if you’re not hosting.
Discord isn’t quite like Teams or Zoom, you’s need an account and you’d need to join the server, it’s more of a forum type thing than a web chat like skype or zoom
That said, if you get an account, you definitely don’t need to download the app, discord’s got a webapp you can use and join the TARDIS guide forum through