Name that Doctor Who Episode!
New Who only, 5 scenes to guess the episode!
View today’s Whodle
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In three!
Hey, in number 5 Jodie’s playing too!
In two this time.
No idea how but I got it in 1!!
Got it in 1! Soundscape felt very Chibnall era so I just guessed the most likely one
In four today.
I got it in 5,no wonder I hate this one
In five, this time. And getting it on #5 was pretty much a given, too. Not sure why I struggled that much with this one.
Got it in 3 Very mid episode, not as bad as everyone says it is, just mid.
In two, soundtrack was familiar and once I heard Jodie I was able to figure it out
I got it in four
I am very disappointed in you Whodle for not have a “BENNI!!!” in the mix. Tsk tsk tsk…
In 4. Did get the era from the jump though
In 5! I was bumbling around in the right era, but it didn’t click until she literally said it
I got it in two, and very nearly guessed the right one first time.
In 3, got the era immidiately though, which I dont’ always with audio ones!
In three, also got that it was a thirteen episode right away
In four. On reflection I could have worked it out on three
The last time we did Orphan 55 (as a transcript) had that line at 5 and we didn’t want to repeat ourselves. Plus, I didn’t want to put myself through having to listen to it again multiple times. And that line read on 5 just fits so well.
In one - to be honest the audio description helped - cheerful synth and bird song and something about the actual music clicked in my brain.