Name that Doctor Who Episode!
New Who only, 5 scenes to guess the episode!
View today’s Whodle
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Got it in three. Was thinking about what episode it could have been, and everything clicked for that to be Pete’s house…
Five. Absolutely nothing familiar to me til then
In two. Thought the vehicle was from Martha’s quest in Last of the Time Lords.
In two. Guessed ‘Idiot’s Lantern’ on one, but the green spark of hope gave it away
In two as well, but in my case I got the right story in one, just not the right half. Heck, the second picture was no help at all.
Also in 2, but I thought it was The Sontaran Stratagem
In three, I chose the wrong part first.
Got it in two, guessed the wrong part first.
In 1! I thought “it’s totally not gonna be this but I dunno I have the vibes.” So uh thanks TV club for putting it into my unconscious?
In two. I seem to have a knack for picking the wrong part of a two-parter
In two, that little light feels very important in that episode
One, through a complete guess
Got it in one, the building’s look just gave it away somehow.
Two. I chose the wrong part in my first guess.
In two for the same reason
In 5. Chose the wrong part on 2 then went off on a wild goose chase…
Got it in one. I recognised the van!
Didn’t get it. I always forget about this 2 parter when I’m guessing in whodle. I know what it is but something about whodle makes me forget it exists.
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