I didn’t hate it but I’ve never really got that much out of it. I find it a curiously frustrating watch.
Yeah, I think that’s the way to describe it - I think I could like the episode it wants to be but there are just too many elements that are disjointed or not fully realised that make the whole thing not quite work for me
I think that’s what frustrates me the most. There ARE good ideas there, fertile territory to explore, but it (for me) is a classic case of the whole being less than the sum of its parts.
I don’t know, I like those interesting places it goes to, and I think the acting, especially from Smith and the guy who’s playing the doctor is great
Not a perfect episode by any means, but I very rarely see it talked about when I think it’s a solid 8/10
See, that’s one of the reasons I love this forum. It’s always good to see what people love about episodes that don’t quite work for me. The acting is strong and you are right about Adrian Scarborough. I’ll pay more attention to Smith and Scarborough’s performances on my next rewatch of this story. Thank you.
Oops! Nearly gave the game away there! Thanks to @deltaandthebannermen for blurring my spoilery lapse!
In 3 I feel like I should have got that sooner, not common that stained glass makes an appearance.
Got it in 4, was all over the place. Not a favourite of mine!
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