When Doctor Who met Catwoman

I’m not sure if this will be of interest to anyone, but earlier today I was going through some old papers and found this signed flyer for a panto I’d completely forgotten about - and, believe you me, I had to work very hard to forget about it.


Wow, that’s a heck of a cast for a panto. Best one I saw had Chico from The X Factor playing Aladdin. Much better singer than he was on that show, which made me suspicious that they deliberately autotuned him on that show so that he would sound bad and thereby create the ‘joke act’.

The computer crashed for the 3D projection software they were using in the theatre, and Aladdin’s cave of wonders cut to a blue desktop background with a load of Windows error messages. Chico was brilliant though; he stayed in character whilst they tried to get the software working again, and ad-libbed through it.


Special appearance by Garfield!

We all know when Doctor Who really met Catwoman though.