What was your first Doctor Who book?

What was your first Doctor Who book - either to own or to read?

My first book was a copy of the original Day of the Daleks Target novelisation. It lived down the back of my bookcase because the lurid orange cover with Daleks and Ogrons scared me and I couldn’t bear to look at it. To this day, I don’t actually think I’ve ever read it!


I think mine was The Time Travelers by Simon Guerrier.


mine would’ve been one of the Target novelisations. I’m not sure which one, though.


Welcome to the forum, Spaghetti. If you’re happy to, pop into the introductions thread and tell us a bit about yourself.


Day of the Doctor’s Novelization was my first Doccy Who book. It was such a fantastical episode and when I learned the books differed from the episodes in areas I was ecstatic to see what had been added/changed, and was no disappointment. Now I have a whole plethora and 3 more on order :smiley:


That was my first book too! And for exactly the same reason, that the books expand and add extra depth to the stories, that’s why I am interested in them.

Unfortunately I’ve not put reading as a priority recently, which is why I’m looking forward to starting our Book Club and trying to read more often.


Mine was a dusty old copy of ENLIGHTENMENT back in the 80s. It was never a great story, but I was fascinated by the flying light ship on the cover


Welcome to the forum, SciFiBrickyards - SciFi? Sci? Brickie?


I wish I remembered, all I know is that it was a choose your own adventure that I think had the sixth Doctor? It was a long time ago…

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Welcome to the forum!

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Welcome to the forum!

Those 6th Doctor Make Your Own Adventure books were great. Crisis in Space with Peri, Turlough and YOU; Race Against Time with Peri, the Rani and YOU, Search for the Doctor and Mission to Venus by William Emms which apparently adapted his unused Doctor Who script The Imps.

I’ve got all 6! Maybe we should do one for the Book Club :wink:


Looking at the descriptions for those Race Against Time is the one that’s ringing the most bells so it was probably that one

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Make your own adventure? Sounds really fun, I used to love books like that when I was younger!

I’ll add them to the site.

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There were two earlier ones from FASA and 10th, 11th and 12th Doctor ones too.

Ha! I’m happy to go by Alex (or Soup)

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I had some time. I probably could have spent it better, but here we are:

For some reason, no-one on the internet knows how many pages the last few ones of these contain. As you have them in your garage, maybe you can help with that at some point? :wink:

They’re not even in the garage - they’re on my book shelf! I’ll get the page counts to you as soon as I can.


Stone Rose, one of the tenth doctor books. It was the book that made me realize that there were doctor who books, as it had just randomly gotten suggested to me on Kindle.


The first Doctor Who book I owned was Autonomy, but I never actually read it before my dog chewed it up. I think the first book I fully read was At Childhood’s End, because I was (and am) obsessed with Ace during my big Classic Who watchthrough.


I just realised I have read this book, long ago, but forgotten about it. Usually I log every book I read into GoodReads (me? logging stuff obsessively? never!) but I guess that was before I started that habit.

So I told a lie earlier. My first Doctor Who book may have been Stone Rose or actually I also read Touched by an Angel as well. And a War Doctor book. I can’t really remember any of them!