What was your first BigFinish adventure?

Most people would begin with one of the Eighth Doctor adventures - something like ‘Storm Warning’ or ‘Chimes’.

Others would kick-start their journey with ‘The Marian Conspiracy’ or ‘The Holy Terror’, having heard about the rejuvination of the Sixth Doctor.

What was your first BigFinish adventure?

Personally, I’ve been listening to the audio adventures for eight years now, but I actually kick started my journey with two releases due to being hyperfixated on one renegade Time Lord.

It’s actually going back and reviewing the latter that’s made me think of this question, to be honest.


I’m guessing you mean Doctor Who only, because my first BF adventure was not in that range.

Doctor Who and the Pirates was my first, because (1) it was free and (2) I wanted to see what the hype was about. It lives up to expectation, definitely. After listening to it, it made me interested in Gilbert and Sullivan for a little while, so I watched some of their plays. I also had certain songs from both the play and the audio on my phone that I’d listen to on repeat lol.


I am pretty sure I started with Sirens of Time on Spotify and then continued onwards from there with the main range, leaving out the ones with companions I didn’t know yet. Now that I think about it I haven’t continued that in a long time.

But the first one I bought for myself was Gallifrey and that’s what essentially got me hooked on the audios.


I can’t fully remember as it was so long ago now, but I remember I got Spare Parts, Blood of the Daleks Part 1 and Sword of Orion on CD, so it was probably one of the three!

It was definitely Storm Warning though that got me properly hooked into them, once I decided I’d check out more of 8’s adventures a couple years later.


Spare Parts! When I was first getting into Big Finish—five or six years ago—that was the number one recommendation for newcomers. I think it worked really well as a jumping on point, although at the time I wasn’t as accustomed to the audio medium, and I was very confused about what happened in episode 4. (I still am, now I come to think about it…)

I jumped around the early Main Range for a bit after that, but I think the story that really got me on board was Live 34. Still one of my all-time favourites!


Sirens of Time and Storm Warning I listened to before really getting into BF, but as for what got me really into it, it’s Aliens Among Us - Changes Everything


Diary of River Song number five I think, because I love River, it seemed to not need any previous knowledge apart from new who (didn’t and still don’t want to do audio stuff for doctors or companions I haven’t watched yet) and that one was the first one on sale after I’d made the decision to buy one.


Torchwood: Broken, because I’m predictable and that’s the one everyone on the internet was talking about for getting into the Torchwood main range and having more context for Jack and Ianto’s relationship. I don’t think it filled the gaps quite as well as some people claim but it’s still very good. It didn’t “get me into audio” because I had already planned on eventually listening to everything.


Patient Zero and Legend of the Cybermen. I don’t know which of those I actually listened to first (that was 13 years ago), but Patient Zero is still one of my favorite Doctor Who stories ever.


Honestly yeah I agree, Broken is good and does fill gaps a bit, but I think Coffee tells a similar sort of story and is a lot better at it


I might’ve actually started with “Live 34”, which is obviously not the best jumping off point…


I started with Storm Warning, but I moved onto The Chimes of Midnight and that’s the one that sold me on Big Finish


As someone who was there from the very beginning- Oh No It Isn’t was my first ever BF and The Sirens of Time (which doesn’t deserve the drubbing its been getting round here lately) was the first Doctor Who.


For the first ever BF Doctor Who audio, Sirens is really a fantastic achievement. I think the same goes for Oh No It Isn’t!.


My first one was Storm Warning. Couldn’t believe we were finally getting a Paul McGann series! With the TV show (presumed) dead, the fact that it was audio wasn’t a disappointment - it was NEW Doctor Who WITH Paul McGann. So I jumped in and the only times I’ve drifted away from Big Finish have been out of necessity when times have been tough. So they hooked me over 20 years ago and never let me go!


My first one was Chimes of Midnight as it was shown to me on the way to Timelash two years ago.
If I remember correctly at least partial responsibility for that would go to @Intodrkness or should go to her at least because she at least was involved in the conversation that lead to that.


My first proper Big Finish story was Expiry Dating from the Tenth Doctor and River Song boxset. I really enjoyed it and proceeded to listen to the Eleventh Doctor Chronicles and The Eighth Doctor Adventures. Its all amazing!


Blood of the Daleks.

Lucie Bleedin’ Miller!

I was hooked :grin:


Like some others, I was here from the start so The Sirens of Time was my first. I don’t think the whole is worth the sum of its parts but it was enjoyable enough that I was back a month later for Phantasmagoria. Mainly it was just exciting to hear the Doctors I grew up with in a new adventure.


The Innocent from the War Doctor range when it was free in 2020. The War Doctor range had its hooks in me and I loved it! Moved onto the War Master and the rest is history.