What TV stories would you like to see get a novelization?

Curious which TV stories people would like to see novelizations of and why. Maybe your favorites that you’d like to experience in a new way, or maybe ones that you didn’t like so much but would like to see get a second chance.

For me, I’d really love to see Legend of the Sea Devils get a novelization. Would be a great chance to breathe some new life into the kinda dull main plot, and I would just love to get to experience all the Thasmin stuff again in a new medium.

I’d also be interested in seeing a Rosa novelization if they managed to work in a bit more of the historical context that I think the episode really suffers from not including.


Orphan 55. I’d love to see what they’d do with adding all the backstory and context that should’ve need in the episode to begin with.


The Wedding of River Song.

Also The End of Time but from The Masters POV.


Think we could get Power of the Doctor from the Master’s perspective? I’d be up for some Rasputin!Master.


World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls could make for a great novelisation, flesh out Bill’s PoV a bit, maybe some of the saxon!master’s PoV on the developing cyber city, Missy’s internal conflict in TDF, and expand a bit on Bill and Nardole’s endings


I agree that a novelisation of Legend of the Sea Devils would be good as we know that was seriously compromised on TV.

I’d quite like a version of The Power of Three with Berkoff excised and the actual proper ending reinstated.


The entire Flux season ideally I would say, and then have the same script editor for those six novelisations to just tighten things up a bit - I love Flux but the ending did become a bit rushed, so I would love to see that expanded upon :slightly_smiling_face:


And maybe it could include some of what fell by the wayside because of Covid.


This would be really interesting. Let’s hope they do that.