What Should You Watch/Read/Listen To Next?

Series 6! Series 6! Series 6!


I may add, as a Gallifrey stan this is a poll I am conflicted on. But the lack of S5-7 fans makes me go for that :sob:


Iā€™m going to have a semi-long car ride with my mum tomorrow and would like to try and introduce her to BF, so I need recommendations for what to start with. Ideally it should be something Iā€™ve already listened to (check my profile), about an hour to an hour and a half long. She watched all of New Who but no Classic or Spinoffs, though I think that itā€™ll be fine to go with one of those as long as itā€™s a good jumping on point. What would you guys recommend?


Looking through the audio drama youā€™ve completed it looks like youā€™re stuck with either Torchwood or McGann for things youā€™ve already listened to. Iā€™d therefore say The Fearmonger, Storm Warning, Chimes of Midnight or Blood of the Daleks.

If youā€™re willing to branch out a little, Iā€™d recommend The Marian Conspiracy with Six and Evelyn, Technophobia with Ten and Donna, or Out of Time with Ten and Four.


I did definitely consider The Marian Conspiracy, as I started listening to that about a month ago but ended up not finishing it for various reasons. The main reason I donā€™t want stories I havenā€™t listened to is because I donā€™t want to have to buy them. Thereā€™s also the matter of me not being able to explain whatā€™s going on if my mum gets confused and itā€™s my first time listening.


Ah yes, I know the feeling. Unfortunately that does kind of limit you. Unless your Mum likes Torchwood.


My mum has not seen Torchwood, and I doubt sheā€™d enjoy it if she had. Also, it would be a bit too awkward to watch together.


Then yeah, that does limit you. Are there Doctor Who audios that you own and havenā€™t listened to? That might give you more options. Otherwise, The Fearmonger, Storm Warning, Chimes of Midnight or Blood of the Daleks are probably your best bets. I saw that youā€™d listened to the Lives of Captain Jack, but I donā€™t remember enough to recommend them.


Well, anything free to stream is an option, of course. I also own the first three Gallifrey series but I want to wait until I finish the first 50 Main Range audios before I start those. I also have assorted Short Trips, and Iā€™ve yet to listen to Relaxing Sea Scapes even though I got it back in November.


Sea scapes was good. I was looking on Spotify and thereā€™s a lot of decent ones as part of the Into the TARDIS podcast. Death and the Queen with Ten and Donna was good, Energy of the Daleks is a Four and Leela story, Fallen Angels is a Fifth Doctor/Weeping Angel story with a pre-Master Sacha Dhawan.

  • The Good Doctor
  • Blue Box
  • Of the City of the Savedā€¦
  • Galaxy 4 novelisation
0 voters

Finished At Childhoodā€™s End today, I have another, non-Doctor Who book lined up next but will need some help deciding on what to go for afterwardsā€¦


Iā€™m currently reading Heroes and Monsters but looking ahead to what I want to read next. Iā€™ve settled on completing either one of two sequences.

  • Option 1: I want to read through the ā€˜Amnesiac 8 on Earthā€™ arc for the EDAs. Iā€™ve read The Burning so now want to work through the rest of the arc in sequence.
  • Option 2: I want to finish the Virgin Benny New Adventures with the Gods arc. Again, Iā€™ve read the first one - Where Angels Fear and now want to do the rest (especially as I want to start on the Big Finish Benny books).

Itā€™s up to youā€¦

  • Amnesiac 8 on Earth Arc
  • Benny Gods Arc
0 voters

Well I have the bad Habit of starting plenty of Books and not finishing most of them, so I am asking for help to decide which I should finish first!

  • The English Way of Death (VMA)
  • Nightmare of Eden (Target)
  • The Slow Empire (EDA)
  • Dead Romance (Faction Paradox/VNA)
  • Original Sin (VNA)
  • Evil of the Daleks (Recent New Version of it)
0 voters

The English Way of Death is extremely good (even if itā€™s author is persona non grata nowadays).


Anyone got any 4DA recommendations? I recall being very excited at the Tom coming to BF announcement, and I listened to season 1 all those very very very many years ago but havenā€™t listened to many since other than Curse of Time in January. So would like to get into the range if I can!


I really liked the Solo series! Iā€™ve only heard that one and the one with Naomi/Harry which Id really not recommend.


Yeah Iā€™ve heard a lot of folks generally find the Naomi and Harry stuff weak so Iā€™ve not got much interest! Solo sounds neat though :eyes:


I started on the 4DAs last week, only listened to the first series so far though. That one was nice but nothing super special, I really enjoy the dynamic between four and Leela (and most of them are free on Spotify, so they have a lower level of commitment for me)


I do recommend doing the Romana I Series, hearing Tamm in the Role again is a blast, the Story are also very fun Iā€™d argue, maybe not the best but there is something comforting about the pairing!

Alternatively, you could do the Season 17/18 inspired Romana II Releases, which are probably my favorites of this whole run from what I have heard at least.

Crooked Man is an excellent one if you are interested in a Leela one! (I still need to catch up with more of her 4DAs so my recommendations with her are very small :sob:)


Two polls today. I decided to get help determining what to listen to next. The first will be Doctor Who, the second will be non-Doctor Who. I will probably go with the poll results on the Doctor Who, weā€™ll see on the non-DW (narrator will be a big factor there in the end). And, for once in one of my polls, you only get two votes per poll.

  • Jubilee (MR #40)
  • The Nest Cottage Chronicles
  • Bernice Summerfield Series 4 (Starts with The Bellotron Incident)
  • UNIT: The New Series 5 - Encounters
0 voters
  • Thrawn Ascendancy #1: Chaos Rising
  • The Hobbit
  • The Hardest Job in the World: The American Presidency
  • Owls of the Eastern Ice
  • Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil
  • Crossing the Continent 1527-1540
  • Enemy of All Mankind: A True Story of Piracy, Power, and Historyā€™s First Global Manhunt
0 voters
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