What is your most controversial opinion?

I liked Rings of Akhaten but haven’t watched it in such a long time, I can’t judge you for that–I just wanted to say I don’t think I know a single person who actually watched Morbius.


I just watched it again and it gave me goosebumps - I love it. His acting is great! Could have done without the little girl singing in the background though :smiley:


Do you prefer Colin’s rendition of the speech? :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah I just watched it again as well… And I definitely stand by what I said :grimacing:
I’ll just say that I am glad others enjoy it :wink:

And @felix RE: Morbius - it is one of those movies that are so bad that it almost, almost swings around and becomes watchable :grin:

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Just found someone who made The Tenth Doctor do this speech, and I love this too!

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I’ll say that generally I don’t like it when the actors are asked to deliver each others speeches on the spot like this, but that’s a “me” thing.
I will say that I could totally see the Sixth Doctor giving this speech, his character has a greater degree of gravitas and bombast needed for this delivery.
But Colin did it very well here - and the fact that he actually pronounced “madman” as one word, not two as Smith does, is a big plus :wink:


It definitely works better with Tennant! Though I am still not sold on it…
And the song is a much, much better version :+1:

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I don’t disagree. I’ve never been a fan of asking actors to recite lines in front of a crowd like that. I don’t know what anyone gets out of it, generally speaking!


I once saw a Peter Capaldi Q&A at a convention and someone asked him to do this speech and he declined–the moderator stepped in too to remind us that wasn’t what he was here for.


My absolute hottest take is that Scherzo is good, but nowhere near a masterpiece and is honestly imo even Shearman’s weakest BF script. I think there’s lots of amazing things about it, but I really hate how 8 is characterised in it. I used to dislike Scherzo for that reason, but after getting the context from Zagreus (and from the boring Cave story later in DU), I now appreciate Scherzo slightly more.

But that is not my 8 :frowning:


Honestly I kind of agree with you… I liked it lots and it freaked me out plenty but it never quite hit the same notes for me as it seems to have with others who are obsessed with it.


I wholeheartedly disagree but do entirely get where you’re coming from.

It’s teetering for me and I would probably dislike a lot of the character stuff from Scherzo if Shearman wasn’t the one writing it.


I’ve only listened to Scherzo once and I’m probably on the same page as you @BSCTDrayden . My added-to-your-hot-take is that The Natural History of Fear is nowhere near as brilliant as fans make out and rides on a wave of being ‘clever-clever’ rather than necessarily being a good story.


Well I just named my new cat Scherzo so obviously I disagree on that, but I can understand where you’re coming from, especially if you didn’t have the context of Zagreus before.

I do, however, agree about Natural History of Fear. I think it’s good, definitely one of the better stories in that arc, but not quite on the level everyone makes it out to be.


Thanks all for being so respectful about my Scherzo take! I love that as a cat name too, that’s awesome @uss-genderprise!

Yeah I kinda agree with Natural History too. Loved it and thought it was kinda perfect on first lesson, but on relisten this year I realised it really is just the twist without much else to it sadly.


You know, I know there’s an audio named Zagreus, but every time I hear the name, I think of the game Hades, since that’s the main character. Of course, most of Hades cast is from Greek mythology, so I shouldn’t be surprised to see their names elsewhere, but always makes me think for a moment…


Other way around for me - I lived with a friend a couple of years ago who played it and all I could think about was big finish haha


almost as if on cue i see this on tumblr!!


I’m not really sure how controversial this opinion is but I wholeheartedly dislike everytime there is a ‘love interest’ (very loose term) for the Doctor that is human. I personally can’t get on board with it I get we look the same as time lords and stuff but idk it’s just always made me cringe.

Now as I’m writing this maybe I just feel that the Doctor shouldn’t be in love with his companion, I much prefer the dynamic with Sarah and Jo in the classic era where you can clearly see that they love each other but to me it’s also clear it’s not romantic love is a deeper connection than that like a brotherly love, would be a more fitting term. I hope this made some sort of sense :))


I don’t think this is controversial, I think there is a big split in fandom where the Classic fans really want no romance in their Doctor Who, and some fans who joined since Rose, especially the tumblr generation, loved Doctor Who for its romance.

I’m 50/50. I prefer the “best friends” dynamic, but loved the story with Rose - I see it more as Rose falling in love with the Doctor than the other way around. I also liked how Clara had a bit of a crush on 11 but it never went further than that. I don’t see any romance in 12/Clara. I didn’t enjoy 13 and Yaz because it was too rushed and not done satisfactorily.