What is your favourite TV story and why?

I asked this on my introduction post but thought it’d be good to make a separate post for it! I love a simple opinion based question haha.

Mine would be It Takes You Away for many many reasons. I just love the weirdness - I think it’s one of the only times modern who has genuinely ventured into the proper strange vibes of classic which I adore. It’s just so fun but emotional but also silly, it’s just got everything you’d want really. My favourite classic serial is defo the Mind Robber!



Oh there are just too many to count! I have 55 TV favourites on my profile haha.

But I suppose if I had to choose…

Heaven Sent might be my all-time favourite. It’s just a masterpiece.

But I’m also in love with River Song, so maybe Silence in the Library / The Forest of the Dead. Or The Husbands of River Song.

Vincent and the Doctor was beautiful.

And probably my most rewatched episodes which I also cannot get enough of are Turn Left / The Stolen Earth / Journey’s End.

Honourable mention to Blink, which I think was genius.

I could probably go on and mention all 55 but those are probably the greatest for me!


Face The Raven/Heaven Sent/Hell Bent. I loved 12 and Clara and the whole trilogy was such an incredible exploration of their love for each other and its toxic elements and just the perfect ending for them. Lots of people really hate on Hell Bent and it is definitely in a tough position following up Heaven Sent but I really think that every part of the trilogy just adds to the others and they come together for an incredible story.


Oh yes, I said I love Heaven Sent, I also love Face the Raven and Hell Bent too, such a great trilogy.

My only gripe is the whole “Hybrid” thing was a bit messy and could have been better explained.

Loved “Me” as well!

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Well obviously Delta and the Bannermen - it’s just such unadulterated fun!

My top 10 (which is never a fixed list) would also include The Aztecs, Inferno, Midnight, Gridlock, The Giggle, The Day of the Doctor, The Unicorn and the Wasp and many many others.


i don’t think the World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls / Twice Upon a Time trilogy will ever get topped for me
Bill’s not death and Twelve’s regeneration speech kill me every time
plus two Doctors and two Masters what else would you even need or want


I also made a whole top 20 list a little while ago. Not totally fixed so things could definitely shift around a lot within the list and some could definitely move in and out of it

  1. Face The Raven/Heaven Sent/Hell Bent
  2. The Husbands of River Song
  3. Flux
  4. Demons of the Punjab
  5. Eve of the Daleks
  6. Dalek
  7. The Girl in the Fireplace
  8. Human Nature/Family of Blood
  9. World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
  10. The Haunting of Villa Diodati
  11. The Chimes of Midnight
  12. The Doctor’s Wife
  13. Trial of a Time Lord
  14. Midnight
  15. Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
  16. A Christmas Carol
  17. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
  18. Night of the Doctor
  19. The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
  20. The War Games

It’s refreshing to see 13’s era getting some love.


I forgot The Day of the Doctor!!

I saw that I the cinema, and it was such an amazing experience, to be surrounded by Who fans (lots in cosplay) watching that, the return of David and Billie, wow yes that as incredible.

And I have it in 3D and watch it on my VR headset every now and again haha.


Yes, for me Eve of the Daleks, Village of the Angels, and The Power of the Doctor are excellent Thirteenth Doctor stories.

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i’ve never been the biggest fan but i’m on my fourth (maybe?) rewatch and this time it just clicked and i’m loving it

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Everything gets better with rewatching. And when the pressures of it needing to be good are out of your mind and you can just relax and enjoy.

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I loved War of the Sontarans, The Witchfinders, Spyfall, The Haunting of Villa Diodati and - yes, truly - The Tsuranga Conundrum.


Oh and Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror was fun too.

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tsuranga conondrum is so much fun, never understood the hate


That is actually a fun story, I love the little PTing.

PTing! Danger


I think Tsuranga is not great and I have it rated pretty poorly but it’s got a little creature who reminds me of Stitch so I love watching it


I love tsuranga a lot (and every episode of series 11 tbh) i just think it’s unpopular because the era is already unpopular and a silly episode like that isn’t going to really convince people but I think it’s great! Would love to see the Pting back with the 15th Doctor


i’ve seen a lot of people online say this recently and it’s great to see !! glad that it clicked :slight_smile:

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With The Tsuranga Conundrum, the main things I didn’t care for were the plot with the pregnant guy, and the Captain dying. On the latter, it’s because I really liked his dynamic with the Doctor, though!

The way piloting worked in it actually reminded me of some of Cordwainer Smith’s stories, and I love those. And the Doctor’s enthusiasm over the ship’s drive was great. Also, I like episodes that happen on a ship or space station, and liked the esthetic of the ship. And, you know, got to love a base under siege story…

Oh, I also liked the sonic screwdriver being destroyed, and wished that had lasted longer.

(With the pregnant guy, it was the execution, not the topic. I liked Red Dwarf’s “Parallel Universe”…)

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