What is the Book Club?

Join in with the Book Club where we discuss 2 books every month!

The Book Club is not something you need to apply to join or anything like that - we just start a new thread on the 1st and 15th of every month - alternating between New Series Adventures and Virgin New Adventures. If you have read before or are reading for the first time, you’re welcome to chime in with your thoughts on the book!

The more the merrier!

Book Club homepage (not updated as fast as I’d like - I’m going to try and automate this at some point!):


Bumping this - the Book Club is for everyone to join in!

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Hi Shauny,

I’m new to the forum today, so bear with me if I ask a crazy question or two, LOL!

Is there a current book that everyone is reading?


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So every fortnight we start a new topic about a book, and people can join in or just discuss their memories of the book.

Because people read at different rates there’s no “current” book, just join in any thread you like, and people who have read it will respond!

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Thanks so much! The casual aspect of this book club is very cool and refreshing.

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