What D&D Classes would Doctor Who Characters play?

So we all know that Rogue played a rogue, but what classes do people think other Doctor Who characters would play?

For people unfamiliar with D&D, there’s a brief rundown of all the classes at this link


Personally, as far as the Doctors go, my personal guess/headcanon would be

One - Wizard
Two - Bard
Three - Fighter
Four - Sorcerer
Five - Cleric
Six - Paladin
Seven - Warlock
Eight - Sorcerer
War - Ranger
Nine - Druid
Ten - Paladin
Eleven - Rogue
Twelve - Wizard
Thirteen - Artificer
Fugitive - Monk
Fourteen - Cleric
Fifteen - Bard


World’s rudest Paladins you got there… :wink:


Kinda the point

I think they’d both play characters who want to be loud and brash and the centre of things, and Paladin is a great way to do that


Yeah okay I can see that :slightly_smiling_face:


I think the War Doctor should be a Warrior!

And I see Eleven as a Wizard.

RIVER: I hate good wizards in fairy tales. They always turn out to be him.

Twelve gives me Necromancer vibes. It’s the eyebrows.

(I don’t know D&D that well so also going by RPG games I played)

Ten could be a cleric, he’d heal you while saying “I’m so, so, so sorry”.

I see Thirteen as a bard just because how happy and smiley she is all the time, and goofy.


I mostly put Eleven as a Rogue and Thirteen as an Artificer because I wanted one of each to be fair. I think Eleven works as a rogue though with his stunt in A Good Man Goes to War

I can see Twelve as a Necromancer, in D&D they’re a sub category of wizards

Paladins can heal, so you can still get that with Ten!


There wasn’t an Artificer class when I played. I think it was Third Edition D&D. What’s their schtick?


Bards are known for their charisma and 13 is anything but. The happy, goofy face she puts on is very much a facade to hide how emotionally repressed she is


Magical inventors


Yeah that is perfect for the Thirteenth Doctor :grin:


@JayPea perhaps you could possibly edit the start of the thread to add a site or two that gives a brief rundown of each class and their traits etc for those of us who aren’t familiar or are a bit rusty with DnD lore?


Ah ye, that’s a good idea, I’ll throw a link up top!




Found a really good quiz for DnD class personalities etc (including subtypes). Sucks that you can’t see the results for all of them but I might try and dig through the notes to find each result and post them under the cut here:


You’re a logical person who wants to understand how the world works and, more importantly, how you can make it better. You’re a creative, out-of-the-box thinker who may be good at working with your hands. You’re the type of person who will take apart a clock to figure out how it works. You’re fascinated by the idea of what could be, but you’re also grounded enuogh to be aware of your limits.

You’ve got a lot of Big Emotions and that’s okay. You’re driven by your instincts and you work best when you’re acting in the moment rather than getting tripped up by planning. You’re a fairly grounded person but you definitely lead with your heart more than your head. You enjoy life’s simple pleasures like good food, drink, and friends. You have a bit of a protective side, especially toward the people you’re close to.

You’re a storyteller at heart and you may have a bit of a Thing about attention and validation. You’re a natural improviser and you’re great at adapting to situations at a moment’s notice using whatever resources you have at your disposal. You can’t stand being bored. You’re very creative and you probably have a great sense of style. You’re honestly just here for a good time, and you live for drama.

You’re dedicated, caring, and probably a sucker for happy endings. You spend so much time helping other people that you might forget to take care of yourself. You’re very idealistic and have a strong sense of faith in your beliefs, which may be actual religious beliefs or just your personal moral code. You like to be prepared for a variety of situations and you may have a bit of a protective side.

You’re a thoughtful and reflective person who cares a lot about the natural world. You’re generally open-minded and non-judgmental, though there are some beliefs or opinions that you won’t be swayed from. You’re in-tune with your intuition and you know yourself pretty well. You may spend a lot of time in your head, observing the world and thinking about what you’ve observed. You seek peace, balance, and try to avoid confrontation unless absolutely necessary

You’re a practical and determined person who goes after what you want. You’re very competitive and may be a bit of a perfectionist, always challenging yourself to better. You’re not an especially flashy person and you don’t care about status or luxury unless it’s something you’re earned. You’re grounded and focused on the real world, concerned with what is than what could be.

You’re a reflective and ambitious person who likes to push yourself to see how far you can go, always seeking self-improvement. You’ve cultivated some impressive skills over the years through practice, study, and hard work, though others might just call you naturally talented without recognizing the effort you put in to get there. You know that there’s a time for thoughtful analysis and a time for purposeful application of brute force, and you’re equally skilled at both.

You’re an idealistic person who is not afraid to stand up for what you believe in. You’ve got strong opinions and you are fully prepared to back up those opinions with your fists, if necessary. Sometimes you might come on a bit strong, but you always have good intentions. You’re very determined and you don’t back down easily. You have a protective side and, ultimately, you’re just trying to make the world a better place.

You’re a thoughtful and resourceful person who likes to observe the world around you. You feel at peace when surrounded by nature and might feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed by busy places like bustling cities. You might have some very specialized skills that aren’t often relevant to daily life, but are incredibly helpful in the right situation. You’re practical and an explorer at heart.

You’re a practical and unusually resourceful person with big dreams that may or may not involve copious amounts of money or treasure. You’re ambitious, you know what you want, and you’ll do whatever you can to get it. Some people might think you’re selfish, but you know it’s important to take care of yourself first. You thrive under pressure and you might have a bit of a mischievous or chaotic side.

You’re got a lot of self-confidence and most of the time you have what it takes to back up your own claims about yourself. You’re a charming improviser who can sometimes whip surprising and creative solutions out of thin air when it’s needed the most. Some people might underestimate you, or think you’re just shallow and centred, but you have a lot of potential inside and would love to shape it into something incredible.

You’re a charming and ambitious person who cares a lot about the people you are close to. Sometimes you might worry that you rely too much on the help of others, as if you’re not good enough on your own, but you have a knack for pulling out unexpected skills or solutions at just the right moment. You may have a bit of a lazy side at times. You have dreams for the future and you want to end up better off than where you began.

You love to learn, whether in a traditional academic setting or on your own. You definitely look before you leap and you may spend so much time coming up with a plan (or five) that you never actually get around to leaping at all. You work best when you’ve had time to prepare. You love getting to the heart of something and really understanding it on a deeper level. You may not be the strongest physically, but few can match your sharp mind.