What character would you make a spinoff about?

A grown-up Tommy Connolly inventing gadgets for Magpie Electricals.

And @BillFiler - Pigbin Josh is the comedic effect, the Elek’tra Mgelidze. Bill Filer is the real main character. We also get to see 1970’s Torchwood.

In Classic Who I’d love a spinoff where Shirna and Vorgensen train in Vorg’s circus and fall in love!

Or maybe: Deedrix, Caris, and the Savants?

Or the young life of “Chronolock Guy”, “Alien Lady”, “Elderly Lady”, and “Elderly Lady”'s dead husband"Habrian Lady"'s future father, back when the four of them all lived in Habria. It’d be Alzarius meet Traken, with more aggressivity\gothyness.

Though I can’t really do aggressivity or villainy, it’d be my sister to write those things.

How about a spinoff where we see Duggan and Canton dating!


Or Lady Adrasta.

Or Mehendri, Condo, and Morbius!

My nickname for Adrasta is Addy and my nickname for Mehendri is Mehi!


Binro’s Bistro!


Xanxia’s Xianxia, her and the pirate captain go to do Cultivation on Far East Zanak.

Looks more Atrios, but I’ll take it!

Man with chips spinoff



This got me thinking of “Salad Man” from The Woman who Fell to Earth, so I went looking for a picture…
This is perfect!:grin:


Remember 82 Kid from Face the Raven :bird:‍:black_large_square:

Or the marthavase


Remember 82 Kid? Is that the random child Capaldi helps to tie their shoelaces in that episode?


Now this is the kind of niche content we’re all desperate to see!


Anyone suggested a spinoff starring Elton Pope and Ursula Blake yet?


Can we include the guy who keeps going on about Council property from Fear Her?


I don’t see why not!

As a fellow youtuber, maybe he could end up getting in touch with Ryan Sinclair? (And by extension, Graham.)


Less a character more an idea based on a sadly deceased charater.

Across all of time & space a crack squad of humans seek out & destroy Autons wherever they find them. But these are no ordinary mercenaries, they are family, descendants of the first victim of the Auton invasion of Earth in 2005. Welcome to Operation WRS. Wilson Revenge Squad!


I looked over at Chakoteya:

[Various streets]

(As Clara, Rigsy and the Doctor are walking past shops and offices in different locations, but mostly Wharton Street, Cardiff.)
DOCTOR [OC]: If you see something unusual or notable, dismiss it. Just keep walking. But if there’s a bit of London so unremarkable that you don’t even think about it stop. You could very well be standing right outside a trap street. Count everything that you see.
CLARA: Four, five, six
DOCTOR [OC]: Because when you hit the area around a trap street, it’s very likely you’ll lose count.
DOCTOR: Seventy nine, eighty, eighty one, eighty two.
(The Doctor stops a boy and his mother who are walking along the street, then kneels down to tie the lad’s shoelaces up.)
BOY: Huh?
DOCTOR: Remember. Eighty two.
MOTHER: Come along!
BOY: Eighty two.
DOCTOR [OC]: You’ll lose count because the misdirection circuit is creating confusion in your mind. Details won’t add up. Reality will have glitches in it.
(Clara stops, shakes her head, and walks backwards in front of the Brew Dog Bar in Westgate Street, Cardiff.)
DOCTOR [OC]: Like when you try to read the same simple sentence three times over
CLARA: One, two, three.
DOCTOR [OC]: And the meaning just won’t sink in.
CLARA: Gotcha.

He even has lines, as “Boy”. Does anyone know who played him? Perhaps the same boy who played young First Doctor. Perhaps that’s Sarah’s or Justin’s friend or sister with her own son?

It’s a bit odd and intriguing he stopped to tie a kid’s shoelaces since he almost never does that. Coupling it with how much that kid looks like Peter Davison, to the scene being an Earthshock reference, to how Clara and Ashildr talk about Cybermen showing mercy while looking at Robin Soans’ corpse, to how Clara herself looks a lot like a mix between Matthew Waterhouse and Robin Soans and even has parents that met in 1981… while having been chosen by the Master who had once seen Luvic and Adric meet and kinda talk to each other that same year. To how both Luvic and Adric happen to have five letter names ending in -ic. (Even Torvic has an -ic name, but it’s six letters, and either way it’d most likely be short of a name of at least 12 letters since he’s Gallifreyan) And to how both are dorky brunets who end up dying tragically young semi-offscreen in later episodes. (Luvic x Adric would’ve made a cute couple had Adric been an adult in tKoT)

I think, all of this ties together.

https://tragicalhistorytour.com/d14/13d-c/d14-13d-c149.jpg - this is them!

I even gave them names!

“Boy” is: Bruic Grimwade Sourceheart. Grimwade like Peter Grimwade, Sourceheart like the Source (both Traken and Messaline), Kingdom Hearts, and also like the two Hearts a Time Lord has. (Two Sourcehearts, like the Doctor’s two Hearts) And of course Bruic like both Adric and Luvic. He appears to be about 130 cm tall in 2015, so he’s what, about 8 years old, making him born 2007. He’s a Kingdom Hearts fan and also stans the Doctor.

“Mother” is: Vega Chronos Sourceheart. Chronos because time and because Chronolock. Vega because it’s a star and starts with V and that means 5 but also as in vegetable as in the celery. She is 160 cm tall, born 1982, a single mom. Owns a bakery nearby. There might be some timey wimey stuff surrounding Vega’s pregnancy with Bruic. But there was likely no father at all…

And I decided to make their birth dates the same as episode dates:

Vega was born 16 March 1982, like Earthshock part 4.

Bruic was born 9 June 2007, like Blink.


I wanna see more from them. Why not?

BigFinish give out spin-offs like hot cakes, so why not?

Come on! Let’s see a four part series with the Foamasi!


What do you mean “Are you serious”?

Wht do you mean, what do I mean?

BigFinish: make it happen!


Really, I can’t wait for the current era to come to an end, so that Big Finish can snap up the rights and make a Sontarans vs Rutans style monthly arc for the Bogeyman.


Terileptils! Or the Mara!

Or Kassia, Katura, and Luvic!


I’d want to see a spinoff about Romana and her time in E-Space after her departure in Warrior’s Gate, I think it would be very interesting!


Hi @fourmana welcome to the forum.

Why not pop over and give yourself an introduction in Introductions.


You know, actually, a Cathica spinoff set in Satellite 5 after The Long Game might be interesting…


I’d love to see how utterly that ruined any ‘continuity’ there is about Romana coming back to Gallifrey as president :rofl: