I personally think that Clara and Ashildr have a lot of potential. But so do Ryan and Graham as a granddad-grandson duo saving the world with a bit of psychic paper, maybe even a crossover with UNIT or Torchwood or Ace could show up because of the Power Of The Doctor. Also, I need a Rogue spinoff taking place after the episode where he attempts to escape the void he’s trapped in or he has escaped and is looking for the Doctor.
I don’t even know who Ashildr is (and please no one tell me i don’t want to be spoiled again) but yes Clara spin off please mister Briggs
What series are you on? Or season, I know there’s a lot of inconsistency with that.
Episode two of series 9. I might start episode 3 today, but i want to savor my time with Clara so I’m taking it slow. I’m not ready for her death lol.
You’re on the right series, in a few episodes you’ll have an answer
Even though the actor is in bad standing, I would like to see a Mickey series set on Petes World.
An Ood series may be interesting. Set it before they are freed by the DoctorDonna.
Only problem is they’re big name actresses who don’t really have much time for it
Eh, I’m much more interested in the ‘Sheffield and Scouse’ idea @flora_snow00’s mentioned a few times
Now this is one that’s definitely going to happen when they eventually get the rights to 15th doctor stories
Personally, I’d love a post-End of Time Martha spin off, I know we’ve got The Year of Martha Jones but that was a real dud
Not a character, but I’d love a story showing the fallout of Planet of the Ood, The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit takes place well after them canonically, so I want to know what happened after it that means the ood are still slaves ~200 years later
If it’s specifically a spinoff on Pete’s world then you can always listen to Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon but I agree that Mickey was very underused in the TV series.
Post-Cybermen, pre-Rose was my thought.
Narvin spinoff when… please Big Finish I’m on my hands and knees here… CIA Narvin and Ace banter spinoff… it’s right here in my head you can have it for free…
TV characters, I think you could do something interesting the Happiness Patrol universe, either before or after the episode.
I don’t know what @flora_snow00 used for Sheffield and Scouse but I feel like Dan will eventually get on 13’s Big Finish adventures but I also think like Graham and Dan meeting would be amazing.
Oh, that would be quite interesting
I feel like post classic episodes could be a good series like they could do a series where they show Counter Measures straight after Remembrance, the planet after The Happiness Patrol and the circus performers after The Greatest Show In The Galaxy
I kinda wish we got to see more of that Klein/Raine era UNIT team. Bring Will back too. There always is a lot you can do with Klein and i
I feel there is potential stories you could tell with this cast that they wouldn’t dare with modern UNIT because of Kate.
I sure have good news for you about a Counter Measures spinoff!!! It exists and it is BRILLIANT
I do know that, haven’t listened to it yet though but I am planning on it . But is there one that takes place directly after Remembrance
The closest thing you’ll get is 1963: The Assassination Games, which is also a pilot of kinds to the Counter-Measures spin-off
You may be interested in this project: https://www.theuntoldadventures.com/ once it finally launches.
I think something with Yaz, Dan, and Jericho while they’re stuck in the past during Flux could be quite cool
Oh this looks great
Well they got a follow from me. It’s a spinoff waiting to happen.