I think getting the Doctor back to being “just a guy” would take some doing. I feel like once you’ve expanded the character to the point they have, you can’t really backtrack that so easily.
In theory, they already did some of the backtracking, erasing the Doctor from all records and such, they just haven’t really stuck to it.
Yeah, my thought was immediately of Series 7 Smith era, but it wasn’t much of an effort with the 50th right there to make every Doctor the savior of Gallifrey, and then just abandoned it altogether.
Yes please, I think it would benefit the ones with bigger scales also. I mean, just look at Classic and a Story like Pyramids. I think it wouldn’t work so much if it was surrounded by too many stories trying to be big and world ending, like some of nuwho can be at times.
Would be nice, but at this point, I think NuWho kinda fumbled the bag with it a little. Destroying it again was probably my least liked aspect of the whole Timeless Child Arc, I am sure it will return eventually but I hope it gets used differently again instead of this whole “Oh we saved it”, “Oh nevermind, now it’s destroyed again!”
I miss both of it. I think the latter you can hardly do anymore, and honestly it’s the thing that bothers me the least of the Things NuWho abandoned from Classic. Not particular a Fan of it, (especially how it’s handled in 11s era) but it walks the line of being very hit-and-miss for me. Would I like them taking a step back from it? Yeah, but I think they probably will do it, at least it’s not as much as it used to be at times. Looking at you, 11s Era
Actually one thing I liked about the 11 era is that a lot of it was why it was a bad thing that the Doctor got so big. So big that enough thought of him as a bad guy that they’d go out of their way to make big plans to get rid of him, even taking the people he cares about and making weapons against him out of their offspring.
Another thing.
Kill off a companion now and then AND STICK TO IT. No reset buttons or fake-outs. It’s horrible, but that’s life sometimes, at least with the Doctor. Make, those stakes feel real by actually making us believe that a companion might die and never come back. Give us a gut punch as shocking as Adric!
Oh god, yeah no we really do need this.
RTD gave us two ‘fates worse than death’, which both got backtracked on to some degree. Then Moffat gave us Amy/Rory which I’m not sure how to categorise, and two deaths that then got undone and given immortality.
Chibnall’s companions at least didn’t get that fake out death, they just left which is a nice change of pace, but also yeah, come on, kill some people off!
I’ll say it. I like Clara’s ending. The Hell Bent one. I think it fit with her character, and we also know she does eventually end up going back, since she was in Testimony. Clara did die, so did Bill.
Oh no, I’m with you, I like the endings too on their own, but I think we do need some bad endings for people again, we’ve not had a companion actually killed since Classic
And there was much rejoicing
Well. Consider the room read. A much more pro-Adric place than expected.
Well, two things on this one.
Yes, occasionally kill off a companion and really stick to it.
But on the flip side, give us a lot more companions that just leave. They decide to stay in the latest place the Doctor left, or they are tired of traveling with the Doctor, or even they get married.
It’s not like there aren’t any reasons to stop traveling with the Doctor, whatever Jack Harkness might say, and the occasional death will have more impact if something bad happening to companions is not the norm.
Companions that aren’t from Earth. It’s getting a bit repetitive having all of the companions from modern day
I think the issue with a non modern day companion is that the show, especially in RTD eras, explores companion’s domestic life a lot more, and it would a lot more difficult and take a lot of the budget to regularly depict their world, whether it be the future, past, or an alien world. This is opposed to having a modern, London based companion, where they can just go outside and film where the show is already based.
That’s not really something the show has to do, though. Plenty of classic companions have come from situations where they really didn’t have much to go back to, for one reason or another.
Of course, I’d like them to have more times where the show wasn’t in the modern day UK anyways, and wouldn’t mind them regularly revisiting someplace else…
There are probably things they could do to minimize it, too. Maybe the companion’s family lives on a space station, but you might just be seeing their living room and empty corridors while there, which wouldn’t be too difficult to do.
Nine put it best. “Don’t you dare make this place domestic”
I’d love to see the Revival attempting some domestic scenes with an alien culture for a possible alien companion, but to be honest RTD was the one who mainly did domestic, with Chibnall doing it sometimes at times and Moffat having it on and off. It’s really not necessary, would it be cool to see? For sure, but like you said it’s not something they have to and if they do, they could minimize on other aspects. Who knows, maybe they could pull it off somehow totally, I doubt we will have this attempted in the show anyway in any time.
I woke up a bit grumpy today and I’m going to disagree with a lot of what is said here mwahaha
I feel like RTD just did this with Ruby and everyone complained.
Yes there were potentially universe-ending stakes in Empire of Death but at the end, Ruby left because she needed time with her birth mother and maybe father. She was totally normal, nothing weird about her mother, and people complained that it was boring.
I thought how Ryan and Graham left was really boring and unbelievable - they wanted to leave so they could help save their planet? They think they can do that without the Doctor? Then Graham is wandering around inside a volcano on his own?! It was so unbelievable.
I’m going to disagree here with everyone about non-contemporary / alien companions.
Sure, the idea is nice and it would definitely be a change, but if you think back to other companions that have been from alien worlds, none of them really add anything special.
For example someone like Nyssa. Apart from sometimes not understanding what something is, how is she any different to a human woman?
How is Adric made different because he is from another planet, show anyone an episode with him in and apart from his strange clothes he could just be a kid from England.
Leela is fun but it gets grating that everything has to be explained to her, if we had another “savage alien” companion then every scene takes twice as long because you have to explain what a telephone is, what the internet is, what a space ship is, etc etc
Made even worse that none of them ever go back home, I just feel like they all have interesting first episodes but then become generic companions who just need the basics explaining.
But I’m a NuWho fan! I’m willing to be convinced otherwise.
I do agree however that the show needs time to breathe, and that is where lots of the good character progression comes from. Give us scenes in the TARDIS where they are just hanging out and chatting. Give us domestic scenes where you see how travelling in the TARDIS has changed their life and perspective. I think RTD1 did this perfectly and it was helped by having more episodes per series.
Depends what you mean by killed.
Amy and Rory were killed. We saw their graves.
Clara was killed, she may have been “saved” for a while but eventually she has to go back and die. She’s dead.
Bill was killed and now she’s been transformed into something else.
(Cue “Well that’s alright then!!” Meme)
To answer the question I think Gallifrey should come back and shouldn’t be destroyed again.
I want Time Lord politics.
Bring Romana, Leela, and K9 back
Oh and let’s see Narvin on TV.
This may or may not be because I am enjoying the audio series Gallifrey.
Yesyesyes, I totally agree and if that happened I would die from joy, I want it so much (but done right of course, if they’d mess it up I’d be angry forever)