I think this might be my 2nd favorite story of Series 5,behind Vincent and The Doctor,I absolutely love the concept of this story how its all a dream and you must choose between a dream and reality,Dream Lord is a insanely great villain and I just loved everything about it,this might be my favorite scene tho.
I like how it’s kind of a dark science fiction story, but honestly it’s not one I revisit much, it just doesn’t affect me that much emotionally.
Probably because this is one of the many many times Rory dies.
I’m not a huge fan of the episode. The Dream Lord’s a good idea but I don’t really like the plot.
Middle of the road. Some nice performances and visuals, but it’s a bit of a damp squib once you know the resolution.
I enjoyed it, but it’s in the bottom half of S5 for me, it’s narratively important to showing how much Amy loves Rory (even though people still argue she doesn’t ) and I enjoy it every time I watch it, but it’s not high on my rewatch list.
Wow,am I really the only one who loves this story that much
What do you love about it?
I like it, it’s just a 7/10 episode in a season full of peak
It’s just my jam the concept alone makes it like a 8/10 for me.
Oh I love it. It’s probably my favorite 11 episode if I’m honest. I love the back and forth between the different realities. I love seeing Amy decide and eventually choose Rory. I love the dream lord’s performance. Even though I know what’s going to happen, it’s still a very enjoyable episode. To me, it’s so memorable!
I love this one!
With you all the way on this one. Excellent story, really wonderful concept and Toby Jones is magnificent. I’d agree with you that it’s second best of series 5 for me!
It is probably in the bottom half of season 5 for me, but season 5 is also one of my favourite seasons of all time. I think that it is a good story, but not amazing like some of the others in that season.
This is one of my favourites of the season, the entire thing really works for me.
I’m really glad im not alone cause I really love episodes like this,theres a reason Amy’s Choice and Last Christmas are one of my favorite episodes in Revival.
I doubt you’ll ever be alone in loving an episode, there’s always someone else who will love your fave story too!
You mean theres people who think Love and Monsters is a top 5 episode in Series 2? Cause I do
I think Love and Monsters fills an important role in showing how the Doctor can have a positive impact on ordinary people even when he’s not there, a bunch of people coming together to become friends out of a mutual search of the Doctor is just so feels good