The year I finished gymnasiet (High School?).
@MrColdStream Sigh…
It’s because of Lordi isn’t it?
No, not at all.
I was 10 years old - no worries in the world.
Series 2 of Doctor Who aired, with Ten and … oh, no, not the worst series!
Okay, it’s because of Lordi then!
Hard Rock Hallelujah
(And, I mean, quite cool how we beat Eurovision Queen Carola )
Finished The Macra Terror! What a great story! I love the Macra as a villain, all of the cast are on their A-game, the dancing scene in part 4 is hilarious, and I really love how 2 convinces the highest authority in the land (other than “Command”) to go turncoat, but it changes none of the systemic issues and instead the fascistic head of police takes over. It’s a surprisingly grim and more realistic take on something I’m used to seeing work, and I love it!
Watching “Attack of the Cybermen” Part 1
The Cyber Leader does say the word “Excellent” in it. That’s true.
Well, any episode where David Banks says “Excellent!” is automatically that much more excellent…
A little bit of excellence. As a treat.
Pretty sure that image is from Silver Nemesis… #justsaying
We finished Forest of the Dead and to everyone’s joy watched all of Midnight. I also asked her what her favourite episodes are this far. She said that might not have been her favourites but the most memorable ones were “the one with the cat people” and “the one with the highway”.
Well, definitely a fan of Survival…
Just watched Revelation of the Daleks, and considering it’s from Season 22, it’s actually a pretty solid Dalek story.
I’ve never gotten the appeal of that one. I find it to again just be Saward doing Saward things. Making things gritty and violent with minimal substance of course the big one. Don’t like the Doctor and Peri being rather irrelevant to half the story either.
#hottake - Jenny Tomasin is perfectly cast as the awkward Tasambeker and that part of the plot is glorious in it’s grotesquery. Revelation is one of my favourite Dalek stories just because it is so strange and odd and consists of sets of double acts barely interacting with each other and more or less having their own stories which are only really tied together by Davros like a spider in the middle of his web.
It may actually be my least favorite Dalek one. Resurrection gives it a run for its money though. Destiny and Death to are down there too. (Sorry for the edits)
As a rule I don’t like Dalek stories for the sake of having Dalek stories, and I also don’t much like Saward stories, so for me this being a half-decent story was more than a win. It never really escapes the season-wide problems that plague it (those problems being “who thought the Doctor disliking Peri was a good idea?”), but at least it has some interesting ideas. Glad to see we’re all completely disagreeing, in the grand tradition of Doctor Who.
To be fair, I generally think S22 and S23 are the all time lowest point of Doctor Who, so there’s a bias there.
Yeah… I have to agree with you there. (Haven’t got to Season 23 yet, but I did not enjoy this one.)